a abaci abacus abalone abandon abandonment abase abasement abash abate abated abatement abates abbey abbeys abbot abbots abbreviate abbreviation abdicate abdication aberrant aberration abet abetment abets abeyance abhor abhorrence abhorrent abhors abide abided abides abiding ability abject abjuration abjure ablaze able abler ablest ablution ably abnegate abnegation abnormal aboard abode abodes abolish abolition abominable abomination aboriginal aborigine abort abortion abortive abound about above abracadabra abrade abrasion abrasive abreast abridge abridgement abroad abrogate abrogation abrupt abscond absence absent absentminded absolute absolution absolve absorb absorption abstain abstemious abstention abstinence abstinent abstract abstraction abstruse absurd abundance abundant abuse abused abuses abusive abut abuts abuzz abysmal abyss academic accede accelerate acceleration accent accept acceptable acceptance access accessible accession accessory accident acclaim acclamation acclimation accolade accommodate accommodation accompany accomplish accomplishment accord according accordion accost account accounting accoutre accoutrement accredit accreditation accumulate accumulation accuracy accurate accursed accusation accuse ace acerb acerbic aces ache ached aches achieve achievement aching acid acidity acids acknowledge acknowledgment acme acolyte acorn acorns acquaint acquaintance acquiesce acquiescence acquire acquisition acquisitive acquit acre acres acrid acrimonious acrimony acrobat acrobatic acronym across act acted acting action activate activation active activism activist activity actor actors actress acts actual acumen acute ad adage adages adamant adapt adaptable adaptation adaptive adapts add added addict addiction addictive adding addition additional additive addle addled addles address adds adept adequacy adequate adhere adherence adherent adhesive adjacent adjective adjoin adjourn adjournment adjudicate adjudication adjunct adjure adjust adjustment administer administration admirable admiral admiration admire admission admit admits admonish admonition ado adolescence adolescent adopt adoption adoptive adopts adoration adore adored adores adorn adornment adorns adrift adroit adulation adult adulterate adulteration adults adumbrate advance advancement advantage advent adventure adverb adversary adverse adversity advertize advertizement advice advise adviser advisor advisory advocacy advocate aegis aerial aesthetic afar affable affair affect affectation affection affectionate affiliate affiliation affinity affirm affirmation affirmative affix afflict affliction affluence affluent afford affront aficionado afield afoot afraid afresh after afterlife aftermath afternoon afterthought afterward again against age aged agency agenda agent agents ages agglomerate agglomeration aggrandize aggrandizement aggravate aggravation aggregate aggregation aggress aggression aggressive aggrieved aghast agile agility aging agitate agitation agitprop agnostic ago agog agrarian agree agreeable agreed agreement agrees agriculture aground ah ahead aid aide aided aides aiding aids ail ailed ailing ailment ails aim aimed aiming aimless aims air aircraft airily airline airplane airport airy aisle aisles ajar akin alacrity alarm alarms alas albeit album albums alcohol ale aleph alert alerts algebra algorithm alias alibi alibis alien alienate alienation aliens alight align alignment aligns alike alive all allay allays allegation allege allegiance allegory allegro alleviate alleviation alley alleys alliance allied allies alliteration allocate allocation allot allotment allots allow allowance allows alloy alloys allude allure allurement allusion ally almanac almond almost alms alone along alongside aloof aloud alpha alphabet alphabetic alpine already also altar alter alteration altercate altercation alternate alternation alternative alters although altogether altruism altruist aluminum alumni alumnus always am amalgam amalgamate amalgamation amanuensis amass amateur amateurish amaze amazed amazement amazes ambassador amber ambiance ambient ambiguity ambiguous ambition ambitious ambivalence ambivalent ambrosia ambush ameliorate amelioration amen amenable amend amendment amends amenity amiable amicable amid amidst amiss amity ammunition amnesia amnesty amok among amongst amorous amorphous amount amour amours amphibian ample amplify amply amputate amputation amulet amuse amused amusement amuses an anachronism anachronistic analog analyses analysis analyze anarchic anarchy anathema anatomy ancestor ancestral ancestry anchor anchorage anchorite ancient ancillary and andante androgynous androgyny anecdote anent anew angel angels anger angle angles angry angst anguish animadversion animal animate animation animosity animus ankle ankles annal annals annex annexation annihilate annihilation anniversary announce announcement annoy annoyance annoys annual annul annulment annuls anodyne anoint anointment anomie anonymity anonymous another answer ant antagonism antagonist antagonize antecedent antediluvian antenna antennae anthem anthropology anthropomorphic antic anticipate anticipation anticipatory antics antidote antipathetic antipathy antipode antiquated antique antiquity antisemitism antiseptic antithesis antithetical antonym ants anvil anvils anxiety anxious any anybody anyhow anymore anyone anything anytime anyway anywhere apace apart apartheid apartment apathetic apathy ape aped aperture apes apex apexes aphorism apices aping aplenty aplomb apocalypse apocalyptic apogee apologetic apologize apology apostasy apostate apostle apostrophe apothecary apotheosis appall apparatus apparel apparent apparition appeal appear appearance appease appeasement appellation append appendage appendices appendix appetite applaud applause apple apples application apply appoint appointment appraisal appraise appreciate appreciation appreciative apprehend apprehension apprehensive apprentice apprenticeship apprise approach approbation appropriate appropriation approval approve approximate approximation appurtenance apt aptitude aptly aptness aqua aquatic aqueduct arbiter arbitrary arbor arbors arcane arch archer archery arches archetype archipelago architect architecture archival archive archly archon archway arctic ardent ardor arduous are area areas arena arenas argot argue argued argues argument aria arias arid aridity arise arisen arises aristocracy aristocrat aristocratic arithmetic arm armada armament armed armies arming armistice armor armored arms army aroma aromas aromatic arose around arousal arouse arrange arrangement array arrays arrest arrival arrive arrogance arrogant arrogate arrogation arrow arrows arsenal arsenic arson art artery article articulate articulation artifact artifice artificial artillery artist artistic artistry artless arts artwork as ascend ascendancy ascent ascertain ascetic ascribe ascription ash ashen ashes ashore aside ask askance asked asking asks asleep aspect asperity aspersion aspirant aspiration aspire ass assail assailant assassin assassinate assassination assault assay assemble assembly assent assert assertion assertive asses assess assessment asset assets assign assignation assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assorted assortment assuage assume assumption assurance assure asterisk asthma astonish astound astray astrology astronomy astute asunder asylum asymmetric asymmetry at atavism atavistic ate atheism atheist athlete athletic athwart atlas atmosphere atoll atom atomic atoms atop atrocious atrocity atrophy attach attache attachment attack attain attainment attempt attend attendance attention attentive attenuate attenuation attest attic attics attire attitude attorney attract attraction attractive attribute attribution attrit attrition attune auburn auction audacious audacity audible audience audio audit audition auditory audits augment augmentation aunt aunts aura auspice auspicious austere austerity autarky authentic authenticity author authoritarian authoritative authority authorization authorize authorship auto autochthonous autocrat autocratic automatic automation automaton automobile autonomous autonomy autos auxiliary avail available avalanche avarice avatar avenge avenue aver average avers averse aversion avert averts avian aviation aviator avid avidly avoid avoidance avoids avouch avow avowal avowed avows avuncular await awaits awake awaken awakes award awards aware awash away awe awed awes awesome awestruck awful awing awkward awoke awoken awry axe axes axiom axiomatic axioms axis axle axles azure babble babies baboon baby bachelor back backbreaking backdrop backed backer background backlash backlog backs backward backyard bad badge badger badges badinage badly baffle bafflement bag baggage bagged bags bail bailiff bait baited bake baked baker bakers bakes baking balance balcony bald baleful balk balked balks balky ball ballad ballast ballet balloon ballot balls balm balmy baloney bamboo bamboozle ban banal banality banana banausic band bandage banded bands bane baneful bang banged bangle bangs banish banishment bank banked banker bankrupt bankruptcy banks banned banner banns banquet bans banter bar barb barbarian barbaric barbarism barbarity barbarous barbed barber barbs bard bards bare bared barely bares barge barges baring baritone bark barked barks barley barn barns barometer baron barons baroque barque barrage barred barrel barren barrier bars barter basal base baseball based baseless basement baser bases basest bash bashful basic basilica basilisk basin basing basins basis bask basked basket basketball basks bass bastard bastion bat batch bate bated bath bathe bathed bather bathes bathroom baths baton batons bats battalion batten batter battery battle battlement bauble bay bays bazaar be beach beacon bead beads beam beamed beams bean beans bear beard beards bearer bears beast beasts beat beaten beats beau beautiful beauty beaux beaver became because beckon become bed bedazzle bedazzlement bedevil bedlam bedraggled bedrock bedroom beds bedside bedtime bee beef been beer beers bees beetle befit befits before beforehand befriend befuddle befuddlement beg began begat beget begets beggar begged begin beginning begins begotten begrudge begs beguile behalf behave behavior beheld behemoth behest behind behold beholden behoove beige being beings belabor belated belch beleaguer belie belied belief belies believe belittle belittlement bell bellicose bellicosity belligerence belligerent bellow bells bellwether belly belong beloved below belt belted belts bemoan bemuse bemusement bench bend bends beneath benediction benefactor beneficial beneficiary benefit benevolence benevolent benighted benign bent bequeath bequest berate bereaved bereavement bereft beret berets berry berserk berth berths beseech beset besets beside besides besiege besiegement besmirch besot besots bespeak bespoke best bested bestow bests bet beta betray betrayal betroth betrothal bets better betterment between beverage bevies bevy bewilder bewilderment bewitch bewitchment beyond bias biased biases bible bibles biblical bibliography bicker bicycle bid bidden bidder bidding bide bided bides biding bids big bigger bigot bigotry bigots bike biked bikes biking bile bilious bilk bilked bilks bill billed billet billion billow billowy bills bin binary bind binds binge binges bins biography biologist biology birch bird birds birth birthday birthplace birthright births bishop bit bite biter biters bites biting bits bitten bitter bizarre black blacken blade blades blame blamed blameless blames blameworthy bland blandishment blank blanket blanks blaspheme blasphemous blasphemy blast blasted blasts blatant blather blaze blazed blazes bled bleed bleeds blemish blend blends bless blessed blessing blew blight blighted blimp blind blinds blink blinkered blinks bliss blissful blister blithe blitz blitzkrieg blizzard bloat bloats blob blobs block blockade blockage blocks blocky blond blood bloodbath bloodshed bloodthirsty bloody bloom blooms blossom blot blotch blotchy blots blouse blow blown blows blue blueprint blues bluest bluff bluish blunder blunt blunts blur blurry blurt blurts blush bluster blustery boar board boards boars boast boastful boasts boat boats bode boded bodes bodice bodies bodily boding body bog boggy bogs bogus bohemian boil boiled boils boisterous bold bolder boldly bolster bolt bolted bolts bomb bombard bombardment bombast bombed bomber bombs bonanza bond bondage bonded bonds bone bones bonhomie bonnet bonus bony boo book bookish books bookstore boom boomed boomerang booms boon boondoggle boons boor boorish boos boost boosts boot booth booths boots booty bordello border bore bored boredom bores boring born borne borough borrow bosom boss bosses bossy botany botch both bother bothersome bottle bottom boudoir bought boulevard bounce bouncy bound boundary bounds bountiful bounty bouquet bourgeois bout bouts bovine bow bowed bower bowers bowing bowl bowls bows box boxes boy boycott boyfriend boyish boys brace braced braces bracing bracken bracket brackish brag braggadocio braggart brags braid braids brain brains brainy brake braked brakes bramble branch brand brandish brands brandy brash brass brassy brat brats bravado brave braved braver bravery braves bravo brawl brawls brawn brawny bray brayed brays brazen breach bread breadth break breaker breakfast breaks breast breath breathe bred breed breeds breeze brethren brevity brew brewed brews bribe bribed bribery bribes brick bricks bridal bride brides bridge bridle brief brigade brigand brigandage bright brighten brilliance brilliant brim brimstone brine bring brings brink bristle brittle broach broad broadcast broaden broil broils broke broken bronze brooch brood broods brook brooks broom brooms broth brothel brother brotherhood brought brouhaha brown browns browse bruise brumal brunch brunette brunt brush brusque brutal brute brutes brutish bubble bubbly buck bucket buckle bucks bucolic budget buffer buffet buffoon bug buggy bugle bugles bugs build building builds built bulb bulbous bulbs bulk bulky bull bullet bullion bulls bully bulwark bumble bump bumped bumps bumptious bumpy bunch bundle bungle bunk bunks bunkum bunny buoy buoyancy buoyant buoyed buoys burden burdensome bureau bureaucracy bureaucrat burgeon burglar burglary buried buries burlesque burly burn burned burnish burns burnt burro burrow bursar burst bursts bury bus bush bushes bushy busied busier busies busily business bust bustle busts busy but butcher butchery butt butter butterfly button buttress buxom buy buyer buyers buying buys buzz buzzard buzzed buzzer buzzes buzzy by bypass bystander byway byways byword byzantine cab cabal cabals cabaret cabbage cabin cabinet cabins cable cables cabs cache caches cachet cackle cacophonous cacophony cacti cactus cadence cadenza cadre cadres caduceus cage caged cages caging cajole cajolery cake caked cakes calamitous calamity calcium calculate calculation calendar calf caliber calibrate caliph caliphate call called caller callous callow calls calm calmed calmly calms calumny calves came camel camels cameo cameos camera camouflage camp campaign camped camper camps campus can canal canals canard canary cancel cancellation cancer cancerous candid candidacy candidate candle candor candy cane canned cannon cannot canny canoe canoes canon canonical canonization canonize canons canopy cans cantankerous canto canton cantor cantos canvas cap capable capacity capital capitalism capitalist capitol capitulate capitulation capped caprice capricious caps capsule captain caption captious captivate captivation captive capture car caravan carbon card cardinal cards care cared careen career carefree careful cares caret caretaker carets cargo caricature caring carnage carnal carnation carnival carnivore carnivorous carpenter carpentry carpet carriage carrier carrion carrot carry cars cart cartel carton cartoon carts carve carved carves carving cascade case cases cash cashew cashier casino cask casks cast caste castes castigate castigation castle casts casual casualty casuistry cat cataclysm cataclysmic catalog catalogue catalyst catapult cataract catastrophe catastrophic catch catchy catechism category catharsis cathartic cats cattle caught causation cause caused causes caustic caution cautionary cavalcade cavalier cavalry cave caveat cavern cavernous caves cavil cavity cavort cease ceased ceases cedar cedars ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity celerity celery celestial celibacy celibate cell cellar cellist cello cellos cells cement cemetery censer censor censorious censorship censure census cent center centerpiece central centrality centralization centralize cents century ceramic cereal cerebral ceremonious ceremony certain certainty certification certify cessation chafe chafed chafes chaff chagrin chain chains chair chairman chairs chalice chalk chalks challenge chamber chameleon champion championship champleve chance chancellor change changeable channel chant chanteuse chants chaos chaotic chapel chaperone chaplain chapter char character characteristic characterization characterize charade charcoal charge charisma charismatic charity charlatan charm charmed charming charms charnel charred chars chart charter chartreuse charts chase chased chases chasm chasms chaste chasten chastise chastisement chastity chat chateau chats chattel chatter chatty chauffer chauvinism chauvinist cheap cheapen cheat cheater cheats check checker checkers checkmate checks cheek cheeks cheeky cheer cheers cheery cheese cheetah chef chefs chemical chemist chemistry cherish cherished cherry cherub cherubic chess chest chests chew chewed chews chewy chic chicanery chicken chide chided chides chief chiefs chieftain child childhood childish childlike children chili chill chills chime chimera chimerical chimes chin china chins chip chips chirp chirps chisel chivalrous chivalry chocolate choice choir choirs choke choked chokes choose choosy chop chops chord chords chortle chorus chose chosen christen chronic chronicle chronology chubby chuckle chunk chunks church churl churlish churls churn churns cigar cigarette cigars cinder cinema cinnamon cipher circle circuit circuitous circular circumference circumlocution circumscribe circumspect circumspection circumstance circumvent circumvention citadel citation cite cited cites cities citing citizen citizenry citizenship citrus city civic civil civilian civility civilization civilize clack clacks claim claimant claims clam clamber clammy clamor clamp clan clandestine clang clangor clangs clans clap claps claptrap clarification clarify clarion clarity clash class classes classic classical classification classify classroom clause claustrophobia claustrophobic clavier claw clawed claws clay clean cleans cleanse clear clears cleave clef cleft clefts clemency clement clench clergy cleric clerk clerks clever click clicks client clientele cliff cliffs climate climax climb climbs cling clings clinic clip clips clique cloak cloaks clock clocks clog clogs cloisonne cloister clone cloned clones close closed closer closes closet closure clot cloth clothe clothes clothing cloths clots cloud clouds cloudy clout clove cloven clover cloves clown clowns cloy cloys club clubs cluck clucks clue clues clump clumps clumpy clumsy clung cluster coach coal coalesce coalescence coalition coarse coast coastal coastline coasts coat coated coats coax coaxed coaxes cobble cobbler cobblestone cocky cocoa cocoon code coded codes codex codification codify coding coerce coercion coercive coexist coexistence coffee coffer coffin cog cogency cogent cognate cognition cognitive cognizance cognizant cogs cohere coherence coherent cohesion cohesive cohort coil coiled coils coin coinage coincide coincidence coincident coined coins cold colder coldly collaborate collaboration collaborative collage collapse collar collate collateral collation collect collection collective collector college collide collision colloquial colloquy collude collusion colon colonel colonial colonialism colonist colonization colonize colons colony color colorful colors colossal colossus column comb combat combatant combative combed combination combine combs combust combustible combustion come comedian comedic comedy comes comfort comfortable comic comical coming comity comma command commander commandment commas commemorate commemoration commence commencement commend commendable commendation commensurate comment commentary commerce commercial commiserate commit commitment committee commodious commodity common commoner commons commonsense commotion communal commune communicate communication community commutation commute companion company comparable compare comparison compartment compass compassion compassionate compatible compel compensate compensation compensatory compete competence competent competition competitive compilation compile complacency complacent complain complaint complaisant complement complete completion complex complexity compliance compliant complicate complication complicit complicity compliment comply component comport comportment compose composer composition composure compound comprehend comprehension comprehensive compress compression comprise compromise compulsion compulsory compunction computation compute computer comrade comradery comradeship concede conceit conceited conceivable conceive concentrate concentration concentric concept conception conceptual concern concert concerto concession conciliate conciliation conciliatory concise conclave conclude conclusion conclusive concomitant concord concordance concrete concur concurrence condemn condemnation condensation condense condescend condescension condign condiment condition condole condolence condone condor conducive conduct conductor conduit cone cones confer conference confess confession confidant confide confidence confident confidential configuration configure confine confinement confirm confirmation confiscate confiscation conflagration conflate conflation conflict confluence conform conformist conformity confound confront confrontation confuse confusion congenial congenital congratulate congratulation congregate congregation congress congruence congruent congruity congruous conic conjunction conjure connect connection connective connivance connive connoisseur connote connubial conquer conquest conscience conscious conscript conscription consecutive consensus consent consequence consequent consequential conservation conservatism conservative conserve consider considerable considerate consideration consign consignment consist consistency consistent consolation console consolidate consolidation consonance consonant consort consortium conspicuous conspiracy conspirator conspire constancy constant constellation consternation constituency constituent constitute constitution constrain constraint constrict constriction construct construction constructive construe consul consulate consult consultant consultation consume consumer consummate consumption contact contagion contagious contain container containment contaminant contaminate contamination contemplate contemplation contemplative contemporary contempt contemptuous contend content contented contention contentious contentment contest contestant context contiguity contiguous continence continent contingency contingent continue continuity continuous continuum contort contortion contour contract contraction contradict contradiction contradictory contraption contrary contrast contravene contravention contretemps contribute contribution contrite contrition contrivance contrive control controversial controversy controvert contumely conundrum convalesce convalescence convalescent convene convenience convenient convent convention converge convergence convergent conversant conversation converse conversion convert convey conveyance convict conviction convince convivial convocation convoke convoy cook cooked cookie cooking cooks cool cooled cooler cools cooperate cooperation cooperative coordinate coordination coordinator cope coped copes copied copies coping copious copper copy coquette coral corals cord cordial cords core cores corn corner cornerstone cornucopia corporal corporation corporeal corpse corpulence corpulent corpus corral correct correction corrective correlation correspond correspondence correspondent corridor corrigible corrode corrosion corrosive corrupt corruptible corruption corsair corset cortege cosmetic cosmic cosmos cost costly costs costume coterie cottage cotton couch cougar cough coughs could council counsel counselor count counter counteract counterfeit counterpart counterpoint counterproductive countervail countess country counts county coup couple coups courage courageous courier course court courteous courtesy courts cousin cove covenant cover coverage covers covert coves covet covetous covets cow coward cowardice cowed cower cowers cowing cows cozier cozily cozy crab crabs crack cracker crackle cracks cradle craft crafts crafty crag craggy crags cram cramp cramped cramps crams crane craned cranes crank cranks cranky crapulous crash crass crate crater crates crave craved craven craves crawl crawls craze crazed crazy cream creams creamy create creation creative creativity creator creature credence credential credible credit creditable creditor credo credos credulity credulous creed creeds creep creeps creepy crept crescendo crescent crest crests crevice crew crewed crews crib cribs cried cries crime crimes criminal crimp crimps crimson cringe cripple crises crisis crisp criteria criterion critic critical criticism criticize critique crocodile crony crook crooked crooks crop crops cross crossing crossroads crouch crow crowd crowds crowed crown crowns crows crucial crucible crucifix crucifixion crucify crude cruel cruelty cruise crumb crumble crumbly crumbs crumple crumply crunch crunchy cruse crush crust crusts crux cry crying crypt cryptic crypts crystal cub cube cubes cubic cubs cuckoo cuddle cuddly cudgel cue cues cuff cuffed cuffs cuisine culinary cull culminate culmination culpability culpable culprit cult cultic cults cultural culture cumber cumbersome cumulative cuneiform cunning cup cupid cupidity cupids cupped cups cur curable curate curative curator curb curbed curbs cure cured cures curfew curing curiosity curious curl curled curls curly curmudgeon currant currency current curriculum curry curs curse cursed curses cursive cursory curt curtail curtailment curtain curtly curtsy curvature curve curved curves curvy cushion cusp custodian custody custom customary customer cut cute cuts cutter cyan cycle cycles cyclic cyclone cylinder cynic cynical cynicism cynics cynosure dabble dagger daily dainty dairy daisy dalliance dally dam damage damn damnation damned damns damp dams damsel dance danced dancer dances danger dangerous dangle danish dank dare dared dares daring dark darken darker darkly darling dart darted darts dash dashed dashes dashing dastard data database date dated dates dating daub daubed daubs daughter daunt daunts dawdle dawn dawned dawns day days daytime daze dazzle dead deadline deadlock deadly deaf deafen deal dealer deals dealt dean deans dear dearly dears dearth death deaths debacle debase debasement debate debility debonair debris debt debts debug debugs debunk debut debuts decade decadence decadent decamp decant decapitate decapitation decay decays deceit deceitful deceive decency decent deception deceptive decide decimal decimate decimation decision decisive deck decks declaration declare decline decorate decoration decorative decorous decorum decoy decoys decrease decree decrement decrepit decrepitude decry dedicate dedication deduce deduction deductive deed deeds deem deemed deems deep deepen deeper deeply deeps deer defamation defamatory defame default defeat defect defection defective defend defendant defender defense defensive defer deference deferential deferment defers defiance defiant deficiency deficit defied defies defile defilement define definition definitive deflate deflation deflect deflection deform deformation deformed defray deft deftly defunct defuse defy degenerate degeneration degradation degrade degree deify deign deities deity deject dejection delay delays delectable delegate delegation delete deleterious deletion deliberate deliberation delicacy delicate delight delightful delimit delineate delineation delinquency delinquent delirious delirium deliver delivery delta deltas delude delusion deluxe delve delved delves demand demarcate demarcation demark demean demeanor demented demigod demise democracy democrat democratic demographic demography demolish demolition demon demonic demonization demonize demons demonstrate demonstration demonstrator demoralization demoralize demote demotic demur demure demurral den denial denied denies denigrate denigration denizen denomination denominator denouement denounce dens dense density dent dentist dents denudation denude denunciation deny depart department departure depend dependence dependency dependent depict depiction deplete depletion deplorable deplore deploy deployment deport deportment depose deposit depot depots depraved deprecate deprecation depredation depress depression deprivation deprive deprived depth depths deputy deracinate deracination derange deranged derangement derelict dereliction deride derision derisive derivation derivative derive derogatory dervish descend descendant descent describe description descry desecrate desecration desegregate desegregation desert desertion deserve desiccate desiccation design designate designation desirable desire desist desistance desk desks desolate desolation desperado desperate desperation despicable despite despoil despoilment despondency despondent despot despotic despotism dessert destination destined destiny destroy destruction destructive desuetude desultory detach detachment detail detain detect detection detective detente detention deter deteriorate deterioration determination determine determinism deterrence deters detest detestation dethrone detour detract detractor detriment devastate devastation develop development deviate deviation device devil devilish devils deviltry devious devise devoid devolution devolve devote devoted devotion devour devout dew dexterity dexterous dhimmi dhimmitude diadem diagnose diagnosis diagnostic diagram dial dialect dialed dialog dialogue dials diameter diametric diamond diaphanous diaries diarrhea diary diaspora diatribe dice dichotomy dictate dictation dictator dictatorial diction dictionary dictum didact didactic die died dies diet dietary diets differ difference different difficult difficulty diffidence diffident diffuse diffusion dig digest digestion digit digital digits dignified dignify dignity digress digression digs dilapidated dilatory dilemma dilettante diligence diligent dim dime dimension dimes diminish diminishment diminutive dimly dimmed dims din dine dined diner diners dines ding dinged dings dingy dining dinner dinosaur dint dip diplomacy diplomat diplomatic dipped dips dire direct direction directive director directory direst dirge dirges dirt dirty disability disable disabuse disadvantage disaffected disagree disagreement disappear disappoint disappointment disapproval disapprove disarm disarmament disarray disassemble disaster disastrous disavow disbelief disburse disbursement disc discharge disci disciple disciplinary discipline disclose disclosure discomfit discomfiture discomfort disconcert disconnect disconsolate discontent discontentment discord discordance discordant discount discourage discouragement discourse discover discovery discredit discreet discrepancy discrepant discrete discretion discriminate discrimination discs discus discuss discussion disdain disdainful disease disenchant disenchantment disenfranchisement disgorge dish dishes dishonor dishonorable disillusion disillusionment disingenuous disjoint disk disks dislike dislodge dislodgment disloyal disloyalty dismal dismantle dismay dismiss dismissal dismissive disobedience disobedient disobey disorder disorganized disown disparage disparagement disparate disparity dispassion dispassionate dispatch dispel dispensation dispense dispersal disperse dispersion dispirit displace displacement display displease displeasure disposable disposal dispose disposition disproof disprove disputable disputation dispute disquiet disregard disreputable disrepute disrespect disrobe disrupt disruption disruptive dissect dissection dissemble disseminate dissemination dissension dissent disservice dissidence dissident dissimulate dissimulation dissipate dissipation dissolute dissolution dissolve dissonance dissonant dissuade distance distant distasteful distend distil distillation distinct distinction distinctive distinguish distort distortion distract distraction distrait distraught distress distribute distribution district distrust disturb disturbance disunity disuse ditch ditches dither ditty diverge divergence divergent diverse diversification diversify diversion diversity divert divide divided divination divine divinity divisible division divisive divorce divorcement divulge divulgence dizzy djinn do docent docile docility dock doctor doctrine document documentary documentation doff doffs dog dogged dogma dogmatic dogmatism dogs doings doll dollar dolls dolphin dolt doltish dolts domain dome domed domes domestic domesticate domestication domicile dominance dominant dominate domination domineer domineering don donate donation donkey donned donor donors dons doom doomed door doors doorstep doorway dormancy dormant dose dot dotard dote doted dotes doting dots dotted double doubt doubtful doubts dough doughty dour dourly douse dove dowdy down downfall downhill download downtown downtrodden downturn downward doze dozed dozen dozens dozes dozing drab drably draconian draft drafts drag dragon drags drain drains drake drakes drama dramas dramatic drank drape draped drapery drapes drastic draught draw drawer drawing drawl drawls drawn draws dread dreadful dreads dream dreams dreamt dreamy dreary dredge dregs drench dress dressy drew dribble dried drier driest drift drifts drill drills drink drinks drip drips drive driven driver drives driveway droll drone droned drones droop droops drop drops dross drought drove droves drown drowns drowse drowsy drub drubs drudge drug drugs drum drums drunk drunkard drunken dry drying dryly dual duality dub dubbed dubious dubs duchess duchy duck ducked ducks duct due duel dues duet duets dug duke dukes dulcet dull dullard dulled dulls dully duly dumb dumbly dummy dump dumped dumpling dumps dumpy dun dunce dunces dune dunes dung dungeon dunk dunked dunks dunned duns dupe duped dupes duping duplicate duplication duplicitous duplicity durable duration duress during dusk dusky dust dusted duster dusts dusty duties duty dwarf dwarfs dwarves dwell dwelling dwells dwelt dwindle dye dyed dyeing dying dynamic dynamism dynamo dynast dynasty dysfunction dystopia dystopian dystopic each eager ear early earmark earn earned earnest earns ears earth earthen earthenware earthquake earthy ease easier easily east eastern easy eat eaten eatery eating eats eave eaves eavesdrop ebb ebbed ebbing ebbs ebullience ebullient ebullition eccentric eccentricity echelon echo echos eclectic eclipse ecology economic economics economist economy ecstasy ecstatic ecumenical edge edges edgy edible edict edicts edification edifice edify edit edited edition editor editorial edits educate education educator eerie eerily efface effacement effect effective effectual effectuate effervescent effete efficacious efficacy efficiency efficient effigy effort effrontery effuse effusion effusive egalitarian egg eggs ego egocentric egoist egos egotism egregious egress eight eighteen eighth eights eighty eirenic either eject ejection ejects elaborate elaboration elastic elate elated elates elation elbow elbows elder elders elect election elective electric electricity electronic elects eleemosynary elegance elegant elegiac elegy element elemental elementary elephant elevate elevation elevator eleven elf elicit elide elided elides eligible eliminate elimination elision elite elites elitism elitist elixir ellipse elliptical elongate elongation eloquence eloquent else elsewhere elucidate elucidation elude eluded eludes elusive elves elvish emanate emanation emancipate emancipation embarcation embargo embark embarkation embarrass embarrassment embassy embed embellish embellishment ember embers embezzle embezzlement emblem embodiment embody embolden embrace embroider embroidery embryo embryonic emerald emerge emergence emergency emergent emigrate emigration emigre eminence eminent emissary emission emit emits emotion emotional empathize empathy emperor emphases emphasis emphasize emphatic empire empirical empiricism employ employed employee employer employment empower empty empyrean emulate emulation enable enact enactment enacts enamel enamoured encamp encampment encapsulate encapsulation enchant enchanted enchanter enchantment encircle encirclement enclave enclose enclosure encomia encomium encompass encounter encourage encouragement encumber encyclopedia end endanger endangerment endear endearment endeavor ended endemic ending endorse endorsement endow endowment endows ends endurance endure enemy energetic energy enervate enforce enforcement enfranchise enfranchisement engage engagement engender engine engineer engulf engulfment enhance enhancement enigma enigmatic enjoin enjoy enjoyable enjoyment enjoys enlarge enlargement enlighten enlightenment enlist enlistment enliven enmity ennoble ennoblement ennui enormity enormous enough enrage enraged enragement enrapture enrich enrichment enroll enrollment ensconce ensemble enshrine enshrinement ensign enslave enslavement ensnare ensnarement ensue ensued ensues ensure entail entailment entangle entanglement entente enter enterprise enters entertain entertainment enthrall enthrone enthusiasm enthusiastic entice enticement entire entirety entitle entitlement entity entomb entombment entourage entrails entrance entranced entreat entreaty entrench entrenchment entrepot entrepreneur entry enumerate enumeration enunciate enunciation envelop envelope envelopment enviable envied envies envious environment environs envisage envision envoy envoys envy enzyme ephemeral epic epicene epics epidemic epigram epigraph epilog epilogue epiphany episode episodic epistle epistolic epitaph epithet epitome epitomize epoch epochs epsilon equable equal equality equalization equalize equals equanimity equation equator equatorial equestrian equilibrium equine equip equipment equips equitable equity equivalence equivalent equivocal equivocate equivocation era eradicate eradication eras erode eroded erodes erosion erosive erotic err errant erratic error errors ersatz erstwhile erudite erudition erupt eruption erupts escalate escalation escapade escape escapee eschatological eschew esoteric espionage espousal espouse esprit essay essays essence essential establish establishment estate esteem esthetic estimate estimation estrange estrangement etch ether ethereal ethic ethical ethics ethnic ethnicity ethnocentric ethos etiquette etude etudes eulogize eulogy eunuch euphemism euphoria euphoric euthanasia evade evaded evades evaluate evaluation evanescence evanescent evangelist evasion evasive eve even evenhanded evening evenly event eventful eventual ever evergreen everlasting evermore every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evict eviction evidence evident evil evildoer evilly evils evince eviscerate evisceration evitable evocation evocative evoke evoked evokes evolution evolutionary evolve ewer ewers exacerbate exacerbation exact exaction exacts exaggerate exaggeration exalt exaltation exalts exam examination examine example exams exasperate exasperation exceed excel excellence excellent excels except exception excerpt excess excessive exchange excise excision excite excitement exclaim exclamation exclude exclusion exclusionary exclusive exclusivity excommunicate excommunication excoriate excoriation excrescence excruciating exculpate exculpation excursion excuse execrable execrate execration execute execution exegesis exemplar exemplary exemplify exempt exemption exercise exert exertion exerts exhalation exhale exhaust exhaustion exhaustive exhibit exhibition exhilarate exhilaration exhort exhortation exhumation exhume exigency exigent exile exiled exiles exilic exist existence exists exit exited exits exodus exonerate exoneration exorbitant exorcise exorcism exotic expand expands expanse expansion expansive expect expectation expedience expedient expedite expedition expel expels expend expenditure expense expensive experience experiment experimental experimentation expert expertise expiate expiation expiatory expiration expire expiry explain explanation explanatory explicit explode exploit exploitation exploration explorative explore explorer explosion explosive export expose exposition expository exposure express expression expressive expulsion expunge expurgate expurgation exquisite extant extemporaneous extemporize extend extension extensive extent exterminate extermination external extinct extinction extinguish extirpate extirpation extol extols extort extortion extra extract extraction extraneous extraordinary extrapolate extrapolation extras extravagance extravagant extravaganza extreme extremism extremist extremity extricate extrication extrinsic extrovert exudation exude exuded exudes exult exultant exultation exults eye eyebrow eyed eyeing eyes eying fable fabled fables fabric fabricate fabrication fabulous facade face faced faces facet facetious facets facial facile facilitate facility facing facsimile fact faction factor factory facts factual faculty fad fade faded fades fading fads faience fail failed fails failure fain faint fainthearted faints fair fairly fairs fairy fairytale faith faithful fake faked faker fakers fakery fakes faking fakir fakirs fall fallacious fallacy fallen fallible fallow falls false falsehood falsification falsify falter fame famed familiar family famine famished famous fan fanatic fanatical fanaticism fanciful fancy fane fanes fanfare fang fangs fanned fanning fans fantastic fantasy far farce farces farcical fare farewell farfetched farm farmer farming farms farrago farthing fascinate fascination fascism fascist fashion fashionable fast fasted fasten faster fastidious fasts fat fatal fatalism fatality fate fated fates father fathom fatigue fatten fatter fatty fatuity fatuous fault faults faulty fauna faux favor favorable favorite favors fawn fealty fear feared fearful fears fearsome feasible feast feasts feat feather feats feature febrile feckless fecund fecundity fed federal fee feeble feebly feed feedback feeder feeding feeds feel feeling feels fees feet feign feigns feint feints feisty felicitous felicity feline fell fellow felony felt female feminine feminism feminist fence fenced fences fend fended fends ferment fermentation fern ferns ferocious ferocity ferret fertile fertility fertilization fertilize fervent fervid fervor fervour fest fester festival festive festoon fetch fete feted fetid feting fetish fetor fetter feud feudal feudalism feuded feuds fever feverish fevers few fewer fewest fiance fiasco fiat fib fibbed fiber fibers fibs fickle fiction fictitious fictive fiddle fidelity fidget fiefdom field fields fierce fiery fifteen fifth fifths fifty fig fight fights figment figs figurative figure figurine filament file filed files filial filing fill filled fillet fillip fills filly film filmed films filmy filter filth filthy final finality finalize finance financial find finder finding finds fine fined finely finer finery fines finesse finest finger fingerprint finicky fining finis finish finite fire fired firelight firelit fires firing firm firmament firmly first firsthand firstly fish fisher fisherman fishermen fishes fishy fission fist fists fit fitness fits fitted five fives fix fixate fixation fixed fixes fixing fixture fizzle fizzy fjord flabbergast flaccid flack flag flagon flagrance flagrant flags flagstone flail flails flair flake flakes flaky flamboyance flamboyant flame flamed flames flammable flank flanks flap flaps flare flares flash flashy flask flasks flat flatly flatten flatter flattery flaunt flavor flavorsome flaw flawed flaws flax flea fleas fleck fled flee flees fleet fleets flesh fleshy flew flex flexed flexes flexible flier fliers flight flighty flimsy flinch fling flings flint flinty flip flippant flips flirt flirtation flirtatious flirts flirty float floats flock flocks floe floes flog flood floods floor floors flop floppy flora floral florid flotsam flounce flounder flour flourish flout flow flowed flower flown flows fluctuate fluctuation fluency fluent fluff fluffy fluid fluidity fluids flung flunk flunks flunky flurry fluster flute flux fly flying foal foals foam foamed foams foamy foci focus fodder foe foes fog foggy foible foil foiled foils foist foists fold folded folder folds foliage folio folios folk folklore folksy follow folly foment fond fondle fondly font food foods fool fooled foolish foolproof fools foot football foothold footman footmen for fora forage foray forays forbade forbear forbearance forbid forbidden forbidding force forced forceful forces fore forebear forecast foreclose foreclosure foregone forehead foreign foreigner foremost forensic foresaw foresee foreseen foresight forest forestall forestallment foretell foretold forever forewarn forfeit forfeiture forgave forge forged forger forgery forges forget forgetful forgets forgive forgiven forgo forgoes forgone forgot forgotten fork forks forlorn form formal formality format formation formative formed former formerly formidable forms formula formulate formulation forsake forsaken forsook fort forth forthcoming forthright fortification fortify fortitude fortitudinous fortnight forts fortunate fortune forty forum forums forward forwent fossil foster fought foul fouled fouls found foundation founded founder foundling foundry founds fount fountain founts four fourfold fours fourteen fourth fowl fox foxes foxily foxy foyer foyers fracas fraction fractious fracture fragile fragility fragment fragmentary fragmentation fragrance fragrant frail frailty frame framed frames framework franchise frank frantic fraternal fraternity fraternize fratricide fraud frauds fraudulent fraught fray frayed frays frazzle freak freakish freaks free freed freedom freely freer frees freest freeway freeze freezer freight frenetic frenzied frenzy frequency frequent fresco fresh freshman freshmen fret fretful frets fried friend friendless friendly friendship fries frieze fright frighten frightful frigid frigidity frill frills frilly fringe frippery frisky fritter frivolity frivolous frock frocks frog frogs frolic from frond fronds front frontier fronts frost frosts frosty froth frothy froward frown frowns froze frozen frugal fruit fruitful fruition fruitless fruits fruity frump frumps frumpy frustrate frustration fry frying fuel fueled fuels fugitive fulcrum fulfill fulfillment full fully fulminate fulmination fumble fume fumed fumes fuming fun function fund fundamental funded funds funeral funereal fungi fungus funky funnel funny fur furious furl furled furlong furls furnish furniture furrow furry furs further furthermore furtive fury fuse fused fuses fusillade fusing fusion fuss fussed fusses fussy futile futility future gabble gable gables gadfly gadget gaffe gaffes gaggle gaiety gain gained gains gainsaid gainsay gait galactic galaxy gall gallant gallantry galled galleon gallery gallon gallop gallows galls galvanic galvanize gambit gamble gambol game games gamma gamut gang gangs gangster gap gaps garage garb garbage garbed garble garbled garbs garden gargantuan garish garlic garment garner garnish garrulous gas gasoline gate gates gateway gather gaudy gauge gauged gauges gaunt gauntlet gauze gauzy gave gawk gawked gawks gay gayly gaze gazed gazes gazing gear gears geese gelid gem gems gender gene general generate generation generosity generous genes genesis genetic genetics genial geniality genius genre genres genteel gentile gentle gentleman gentlemen gently genuine geography geology geometry geopolitics germ germane germinate germination germs gestalt gestation gesticulate gesticulation gesture get gets gewgaw geyser ghastly ghetto ghost ghostly ghosts ghoul ghoulish ghouls giant giants gibber gibberish giddy gift gifted gifts gigantic giggle gigue gilded gilt ginger giraffe gird girded girds girl girlfriend girlish girls girt girth gist give given gives giving glacial glacier glad gladden glade glades gladiator gladly glamor glamorous glamour glamourous glance gland glare glared glares glaring glass glasses glassy glaze glazed glazes gleam gleams glean gleans glee gleeful glen glib glibly glide glided glides glimmer glimpse glint glints glisten glitter glittery gloat gloats glob global globe globes globs globule gloom gloomy glorify glorious glory gloss glossary glossy glove gloves glow glowed glower glowing glows glue glued glues gluing glum glumly glut gluts glutton gluttony glyph glyphs gnarled gnash gnat gnats gnaw gnawed gnaws gnome gnomes gnu gnus go goad goaded goads goal goals goat goats gobble goblet goblin god goddess godly gods godsend gold golden golf golfer goliath good goodbye goodly goods goodwill goose gore gorge gorgeous gorges gorilla gory gospel gossamer gossip got gotten gouge gouged gouges gourd gourds gourmet gout gouty govern governance government governor gown gowns grab grabs grace graceful graces gradation grade graded grades gradual graduate graduation graft grail grain grains grainy gram grammar grams granary grand grandchild grandchildren grandeur grandfather grandiloquent grandiose grandmother grandparent granite grant grants granular granule grape grapefruit grapes graph graphic graphical graphs grapple grasp grasps grass grassy grate grateful gratification gratify gratitude gratuitous gratuity grave gravel graven graves gravity gray grayer grays graze grazed great greed greedy green greenery greens greet greeting greets gregarious grenade grew grid grids grief grievance grieve grievous grill grills grim grime grimly grimy grin grind grinds grins grip grips grist grit gritty groan groans groat grocer grocery groggy groom grooms gross grotesque grotto grouch grouchy ground grounds group groups grove grovel groves grow growing grown grows growth grudge gruel grueling gruesome gruff grumble grunt grunts guarantee guard guardian guards guerrilla guess guest guests guidance guide guided guideline guides guiding guild guile guilt guilty guise guises guitar gulag gulags gulf gulfs gull gullibility gullible gulls gulp gulped gulps gum gummy gun gunman gunmen gunner gunpoint guns gurgle guru gurus gush gushed gushes gut guts gutter guttural guy guys guzzle gym gymnasia gymnasium gyrate gyration ha habit habitat habitation habits habitual habituate habituation hack hacked hackle hacks hag haggard hags hah hail hailed hails hair hairs hairy halcyon hale half halfway hall hallow halls hallucinate hallucination hallway halo haloes halos halt halted halter halts halve halved halves ham hamburger hamlet hammer hamper hams hamstring hamstrung hand handcuff handful handicap handle hands handsome handwriting handy hang hangar hanged hanger hanging hangs haphazard hapless happen happenstance happy harangue harass harassment harbinger harbor hard harden harder hardline hardly hardship hardware hardworking hardy hare harem harems hares hark harlequin harm harmed harmful harmless harmonic harmonious harmonize harmony harms harness harp harps harpy harrowing harry harsh harvest has hash haste hasten hasty hat hatch hatchet hate hated hateful hates hating hatred hats haughty haul hauled hauls haunt have haven having havoc hawk hawked hawkish hawks hay hazard hazardous haze hazel hazy he head headache headdress headed headfirst heading headline headlong headquarters heads headstrong heady heal healed healer heals health healthy heap heaped heaps hear heard hearken hears heart heartbreak heartbroken heartfelt hearts hearty heat heated heath heathen heats heave heaved heaven heaves heavy hectic hector hedge hedges heed heeded heedless heeds heel heels hefty hegemon hegemony height heinous heir heirloom heirs held helix hell hellfire hellish hello helm helmet helms help helped helper helpful helpless helps hen hence henceforth henchman henchmen hens her herald herb herbal herbs herd herded herds here hereafter hereditary heredity heresy heretic heretofore heritage hermit hero heroes heroic heroine heroism heros hers herself hesitance hesitancy hesitant hesitate hesitation heterodox heterodoxy heterogeneous heuristic hew hewed hewer hewers hewing hewn hews hexagon hey heyday heydey hi hiatus hibernate hibernation hid hidden hide hidebound hideous hides hiding hierarchical hierarchy high highlight highly highs highway hike hiked hiker hikers hiking hilarious hilarity hill hills hilly hilt hilts him himself hind hinder hindrance hint hinted hints hip hips hire hired hires hiring his hiss hissed hisses historian historic historical history histrionic hit hither hitherto hits hive hives hoard hoards hoarse hoax hoaxes hobble hobby hobo hoboes hobos hockey hodgepodge hoist hoists hold holds hole holes holiday holier holistic hollow holy homage home homeland homeless homely homemade homes homework homicide homily homogeneous hone honed hones honest honesty honey honing honor honorable honors hoodwink hoof hook hooked hooks hoop hoops hoorah hooray hoot hooted hoots hooves hope hoped hopeful hopeless hopes hoping horde hordes horizon horizontal horn horns horrendous horrible horrid horrific horror horse horseback horses hose hoses hospitable hospital hospitality host hostage hosted hostile hostility hosts hot hotbed hotel hotels hotter hound hounds hour hourly hours house housed household houses housing hovel hovels hover hovers how however hub hubbub hubris hubs huckster huff huffed huffs hug huge hugely hugged hugs huh hulk hulks hull hullabaloo hulls hum human humane humanism humanist humanitarian humanity humanize humankind humans humble humbly humdrum humid humidity humiliate humiliation humility hummed hummock humongous humor humorous hump humps hums hunch hundred hung hunger hungry hunt hunted hunter hunts hurdle hurl hurled hurls hurricane hurry hurt hurtful hurtle hurts husband hush hushed hushes husk husks husky hussy hut huts hybrid hydra hyena hyenas hygiene hygienic hymn hymns hyperbola hyperbole hyphen hyphenate hyphenation hypochondria hypocrisy hypocrite hypotheses hypothesis hysteria hysterical i ice icecream iced ices icicle icing icon iconic iconoclast iconoclastic icons idea ideal idealism idealist ideals ideas identical identification identify identity ideology idiocy idiom idiomatic idiosyncrasy idiosyncratic idiot idiotic idiots idle idled idler idlers idles idling idly idol idolator idolatry idols idyll idyllic if igneous ignite ignition ignoble ignominious ignominy ignoramus ignorance ignorant ignore ilk ill illegal illegible illicit illiteracy illiterate illness illogical illuminate illumination illusion illusionary illusory illustrate illustration illustrative illustrious image imagery images imaginary imagination imaginative imagine imbalance imbecile imbecilic imbed imbibe imbroglio imbue imbued imbues immaculate immanence immanent immature immaturity immediacy immediate immense immerse immersion immigrant immigrate immigration imminence imminent immobile immodest immortal immune immunity immutable imp impact impart impasse impassive impatience impatient impeach impeachment impeccable impecunious impede impediment impend impending imperative imperial imperil imperious impersonal impersonate impersonation impertinence impertinent impervious impetuosity impetuous impiety impinge impingement impious impish implacable implant implausible implement implementation implicate implication implicit implode implore imply impolite import importance important importation importunate importune impose imposition impossible imposter impotence impotent impractical imprecation impregnable impregnate impresario impress impression impressive imprimatur imprint imprison imprisonment impromptu improper impropriety improve improvement improvisation improvise imprudence imprudent imps impudence impudent impugn impulse impulsive impunity impure impurity imputation impute in inaction inadvertent inane inanity incantation incarnate incarnation incendiary incense incentive inception incessant inch inched inches inchoate incidence incident incipience incipient incise incision incisive incite incitement inclement inclination incline include inclusion inclusive incognito income incoming incommunicado incongruity incongruous incorporeal incorrigible increase incredible incredulous increment incriminate incrimination incubate incubation incubator inculcate inculcation incumbent incunabula incur incurable incurs incursion indebted indecency indecent indeed indelible independence independent index indicate indication indicative indicator indices indigence indigenous indigent indignant indignation indirect indirection indispensable indisputable indistinct individual indivisible indoctrinate indoctrination indolence indolent indomitable indoor indubitable induce inducement induction inductive indulge indulgence indulgent indurate industrial industrious industry inedible ineffectual ineligible ineluctable inept ineptitude inequality inequity inert inertia inevitable inexorable infallible infamous infamy infancy infant infantile infantry infatuate infatuation infeasible infect infection infectious infer inference inferior inferiority infernal inferno infers infertile infertility infest infestation infidel infidelity infighting infiltrate infiltration infinite infinitesimal infirm infirmary infirmity inflame inflammable inflammation inflate inflation inflect inflection inflexible influence influential influenza influx inform informal informant information informative informer infraction infringe infringement infuriate infuriation infuse infusion ingenious ingenue ingenuity ingenuous ingest ingestion ingrained ingrate ingratiate ingratiation ingratitude ingredient inhabit inhabitant inhalation inhale inherent inherit inheritance inhibit inhibition inimical inimitable iniquitous iniquity initial initiate initiation initiative inject injection injunction injure injurious injury ink inkling inky inlaid inlay inmate inn innate inner innermost innocence innocent innocuous innovate innovation innovative inns innuendo inoculate inoculation inordinate input inputs inquire inquiry inquisition inquisitive inquisitor insane insanity insatiable inscrutable insect insects insecure insecurity insensate inseparable insert insertion inside insidious insight insignia insignificant insincere insinuate insinuation insipid insipidity insist insistence insistent insofar insolence insolent insolvent insomnia insouciance insouciant inspect inspection inspector inspiration inspire install installation installment instance instant instantaneous instead instigate instigation instill instillment instinct instinctive institute institution instruct instruction instructive instructor instrument insubordinate insubordination insular insularity insulate insulation insult insurance insure insurgency insurgent insurrection intact integrate integration integrity intellectual intelligence intelligent intend intense intensify intensity intensive intent intention intentional interact interaction interactive intercede intercept interception intercession interchange interdependence interdependent interest interface interfere interference interim interior intermediacy intermediary intermediate intermezzo interminable intermittent intern internal internalization internalize international internecine internee internet internment internship interpolate interpolation interpose interposition interpret interpretation interregnum interrogate interrogation interrupt interruption intersect intersection interval intervene intervention interview interweave interwoven intestate intestine intimacy intimate intimation intimidate intimidation into intonation intone intoxicate intoxication intractable intransigence intransigent intrepid intrepidity intricacy intricate intrigue intriguing intrinsic introduce introduction introspection introvert intrude intruder intrusion intrusive intuit intuition intuitive inundate inundation inure inured inures invade invader invalid invariance invariant invasion invasive invective inveigh inveigle invent invention inventive inventor inventory inversion invert invest investigate investigation investment investor invidious invigorate invigoration invincible inviolate invisible invitation invite invocation invoke involute involve involvement invulnerable inward inwards iota irascible irenic iris irises irk irked irking irks irksome iron ironclad ironed ironic irons irony irradiate irrational irredentist irrelevant irresistible irresolute irresponsible irreverent irrigate irrigation irritable irritate irritation is island isolate isolation issuance issue issued issues isthmi isthmus it itch itched itches itchy item itemize items iterate iteration iterative itinerant itinerary its itself ivory jab jabbed jabber jabs jack jackanapes jacket jacks jade jaded jail jailed jailer jailor jails jam jamb jammed jams jangle janitor jape japes jar jargon jarred jars jasmine jaundice jaunt jaunts jaunty javelin jaw jaws jazz jealous jealousy jeans jeer jeered jeers jejune jelly jeopardize jeopardy jeremiad jerk jerked jerks jerky jest jested jester jests jet jets jetsam jettison jewel jewelry jewels jibe jibed jibes jibing jihad jihadi jihadist jilt jilted jilts jingle jingo jinn jitter job jobs jocose jocular join joined joins joint joints joke joked joker jokers jokes joking jolly jolt jolted jolts jostle jot jots jotted journal journalism journalist journey joust jovial jowl jowls joy joyful joyless joys jubilant jubilation jubilee judge judged judges judgment judicial judicious jug juggernaut juggle juggler jugs juice juices juicy jumble jump jumped jumps junction juncture jungle junior junk junked junking junks junky junta juries jurisdiction jurisprudence jurist juror jurors jury just justice justification justify justly juvenile juxtapose juxtaposition kamikaze kangaroo kappa karate keen keenly keep keeper keeps kept kernel ketchup kettle key keyboard keychain keys keystone keyword khaki khakis kick kicked kicks kid kidnap kidnapper kidney kids kill killed killer kills kilo kilogram kilometer kilos kin kind kinder kindergarten kindle kindly kindred king kingdom kingly kings kinship kiosk kiosks kiss kissed kisses kit kitchen kite kites kits kitsch kitschy kitten klaxon knack knave knaves knavish knead kneads knee kneel kneels knees knell knells knelt knew knife knight knit knits knives knob knobby knobs knock knocks knot knots knotty know knowledge known knows kowtow kudos lab label labels labor laboratory labored laborer laborious labors labour labyrinth lace laced laces lachrymose lacing lack lackadaisical lacked lackey lackluster lacks laconic lacquer lacuna lacy lad ladder laden ladies ladle ladled ladles lads lady lag laggard lagged lagoon lags laic laid lain lair lairs lake lakes lamb lambent lambs lame lament lamentable lamentation lamp lamps lance lances land landed landing landmark landmass lands landscape lane lanes language languid languish languishment languor lank lanky lap laps lapse lapsed lapses larder large larger largesse largo lascivious laser lasers lash lashed lashes lass lasses lassitude last lasted lasting lasts late lately latency latent later lateral latest latitude latter laud laudable laudatory lauded lauds laugh laughable laughs laughter launch laundry lava lavender lavish law lawful lawless lawmaker lawn lawns laws lawsuit lawyer lax laxity lay layer layers laying layoff lays lazier lazily lazy lead leaden leader leadership leads leaf leafy league leak leakage leaked leaks leaky lean leaned leans leap leaped leaps leapt learn learned learns leash least leather leathery leave leaven leaves lecture led ledge ledger ledges leech leer leered leers leery lees leeway left leftmost leftover lefty leg legacy legal legate legend legendary legerdemain legible legion legislate legislation legislative legislator legislature legitimacy legitimate legs leitmotif leitmotiv lemon lemons lend lender lends length lengthen lengthy leniency lenient lens lenses lent lentil leopard leper lepers leprechaun leprosy less lessen lesser lesson let lethal lethargic lethargy lets letter level levels lever leverage levers levied levies levity levy lexicon liability liable liaison liar liars libation libel libelous libels liberal liberate liberation liberty library license licentious lichen licit lid lids lie lied lies lieu lieutenant life lifestyle lifetime lift lifted lifts light lightning lights likable like liked likelihood likely liken likeness likes likewise liking lilac lilies lily limb limber limbo limbs lime limes liminal limit limitation limits limp limped limpid limply limps line lineage lineament linear lined linen linens lines linger lingo linguist lining link linkage linked links lion lioness lions lip lips liquefy liquid liquidate liquidation liquor liquorice lissom list listed listen listless lists litany literal literary literate literature lithe litigate litigation litmus litotes litter little littoral liturgical liturgy livable live lively liver lives livid living lizard load loaded loads loaf loan loaned loans loath loathe loathsome loaves lobby local locale locals locate location lock lockdown locked locker locks lodge lodged lodges lodging loft lofts lofty log logged logic logical logs loins loiter lone lonely long longed longer longevity longing longitude longs longstanding longtime look looked looks loom loomed looms loop loops loose loosen lopsided loquacious loquacity lord lordly lords lore lose loser losers loses losing loss losses lost lot lothario lots lottery lotus loud loudly lounge lout lovable love loved lovely lover lovers loves loving low lower lowers lowest lowly lows loyal loyalty lubricant lubricate lubricity lucent lucid luck lucky lucrative lucre lucubrate lucubration ludicrous luggage lugubrious lull lullaby lulled lulls lumber luminary lump lumped lumps lumpy lunacy lunar lunatic lunch lung lunge lunged lunges lungs lurch lure lured lures lurid luring lurk lurked lurks luscious lush lushly lust lusted luster lustful lustrous lusts lusty lute lutes luxurious luxury lying lynch lyre lyres lyric lyrical lyrics macabre macaroni macaronic machinate machinations machine mad made madly madman madmen madness maelstrom magazine magenta magic magical magician magistrate magnanimity magnanimous magnate magnet magnetic magnetism magnification magnificence magnificent magnify magnitude maid maiden maids mail mailed mails maim maimed maims main mainland mainly mainstay mainstream maintain maintenance maize majestic majesty major majority majors make maker makers makes makeshift makeup making maladroit malady malaise malapropism malapropos malaria male malediction malefactor males malevolence malevolent malfeasance malice malicious malign malignancy malignant malinger mall malleability malleable mallet malls maltreat maltreatment mammal man manacle manage manageable management manager mandarin mandate mandatory maneuver manger mangle mania maniac maniacal manifest manifestation manifesto manifold manikin manipulate manipulation mankind manly manna manned mannequin manner manpower mans mansion mantle mantra manual manufacture manufacturer manure manuscript many map maple mapped maps mar marathon maraud marauder marble march marcher margin marginal marine mariner marital maritime mark marked marker market marketplace marks marmalade maroon marquee marquis marred marriage married marry mars marsh marshy martial martyr martyrdom marvel marvelous mascot masculine mask masked masks mason masonry masons masque masquerade mass massacre massage massed masses massif massive massy mast master mastermind masterpiece masterstroke mastery mat match matchless mate mated material maternal maternity mates math mathematics mating matriarch matrices matriculate matriculation matrimonial matrimony matrix mats matter maturation mature maturity maunder mauve maverick mawkish maxim maxims maximum may maybe mayhem mayor mayors maze mazes me meager meal meals mealy mean meander meaning meanly means meant meantime meanwhile measure measurement meat meats meaty mechanic mechanism medal medals meddle meddlesome media mediate mediation medical medication medicine medieval mediocre mediocrity meditate meditation medium medley meet meeting meets megalomania melancholy melange meld melee mellifluous melodic melodrama melodramatic melody melon melons melt melted melts member membership meme memes memoir memorable memoranda memorandum memorization memorize memory men menace mend mendacious mendacity mended mendicant mends menial mental mentality mention mentor mentorship menu menus mercenary merchant merciful merciless mercurial mercury mercy mere merely merge merged merges merit meritorious merits mermaid merriment mesh mess message messed messenger messes messy met metal metallic metals metamorphose metamorphosis metaphor mete meted meteor meteoric meter meters metes method methodology meticulous meting metric metropolitan mettle miasma mice microscope microscopic midday middle midnight midpoint midst midway midwife mien might mighty migrant migrate migration migratory mild milder mildly mileage milieu militancy militant military militate militia milk milked milks milky mill millennium miller million mills millstone milquetoast mime mimes mimic mimicry mimics minatory mince minced mincemeat minces mind minded mindful mindless minds mindset mine mined miner mineral miners mines mingle minimal minimize minimum mining minion miniscule minister ministry minor minority minors minstrel mint minted mints minty minus minuscule minute minutiae miracle miraculous mirage mire mired mires miring mirror mirth mirthless misanthrope misanthropy misbegotten miscellaneous miscellany mischance mischief mischievous misconduct misconstrue miscreant misdemeanor misdirect miser miserable miserly misers misery misfit misguide misguided mishap misinform misinformation mislaid mislay mislead misled mismanage mismanagement mismatch misnomer misogynist misogyny misplace misprize misrule miss missed misses misshapen missile missing mission missionary missive misstep mist mistake mistaken mistook mistreat mistreatment mistress mistrust mists misty misuse mitigate mitigation mitten mix mixed mixer mixes mixing mixture mixup mnemonic moan moaned moans moat moats mob mobile mobility mobilization mobilize mobs mobster mock mocked mockery mocks modality mode model models moderate moderation modern modernity modes modest modesty modicum modification modify modulate modulation module mogul moguls moist moisten moisture mold molded molder molds moldy molecule mollify molten moment momentary momentous momentum monarch monastery monetary money mongrel moniker monitor monk monkey monks monogamous monogamy monograph monolog monopoly monotonous monotony monsoon monster monstrosity monstrous montage month months monument mood moods moody moon moonlight moons moor moored moors moot mope moped mopes moping moral morale morality morals morass morbid more moreover mores moribund morn morning moron moronic morons morose morsel mortal mortality mortgage mortification mortify mortuary mosaic mosque mosquito most mostly moth mother motherhood moths motif motifs motion motivate motivation motive motley motor motors motto mould mound mounds mount mountain mountebank mounts mourn mournful mourning mourns mouse mouth mouths movable move moved movement moves movie movies moving much mud muddle muddy mulct mule mules mulish multifarious multiple multiplication multiply mummy mundane municipal municipality munificence munificent munition mural murals murder murderer murderous murk murky murmur muscle muscular muse mused muses museum mush mushroom mushy music musical musician musing musket mussel must mustache mustard muster musty mutable mutate mutation mute muted mutes muting mutiny mutter mutual mutuality muzzle my myopia myopic myriad myrrh myself mysterious mystery mystic mystical mystify myth mythic mythical mythology myths nabob nabobs nadir nag nagged nags nail nails naive naivete naked name named names naming nap napped naps narcissism narcissist narcotic narrate narration narrative narrow nary nasal nascent nasty nation national native natural nature naught naughty nausea nauseate naval navel navies navigate navigation navigator navy nay near nearby nearer nearly neat neatly nebula nebulous necessary necessity neck necklace necks necromancer necromancy nectar need needed needle needless needs needy nefarious negate negation negative neglect negligence negligent negligible negotiate negotiation negotiator neighbor neighborhood neither nemesis nephew nepotism nerve nerved nerves nervous nest nested nests net nether nets network neuron neutral neutrality never nevertheless new newborn newcomer newer newest newfound newly newlywed news newspaper newsworthy next nexus nibble nice nicely nicer nicest nicety niche niches nick nickel niece nieces niggardly night nightfall nightly nightmare nightmarish nights nighttime nihilism nihilist nil nimble nimbly nimbus nine nines nineteen nipple nirvana no nobility noble nobleman noblemen nobles nobody nocturnal nocturne nod nodded node nodes nods noise noises noisily noisome noisy nomad nomadic nomads nomenclature nominal nominate nomination nominee nonce nonchalant none nonetheless noon noose nor norm normal normalcy normality normalization normalize normative norms north northern nose noses nostalgia nostalgic nostril nosy not notable notary notch note notebook noted notes noteworthy nothing notice noticeable noting notion notoriety notorious notwithstanding noun nouns nourish nourishment novel novels novice now nowhere noxious nuance nubile nuclear nucleus nude nudes nudge nudged nudges nudity nugget nuisance null nullification nullify numb number numbly numeral numerator numeric numerous numinous nuptial nurse nursed nursery nurses nurture nut nutmeg nutrient nutriment nutrition nutritious nuts nutty nuzzle nymph nymphs oak oaks oar oars oases oasis oath oaths oats obduracy obdurate obedience obedient obeisance obelisk obese obesity obey obfuscate obfuscation object objection objective objectivity obligate obligation obligatory oblige oblique obliterate obliteration oblivion oblivious oblong obloquy obnoxious obscene obscenity obscuration obscure obscurity obsequious observation observatory observe obsess obsession obsessive obsolescence obsolete obstacle obstinacy obstinate obstreperous obstruct obstruction obstructive obtain obtuse obverse obviate obviation obvious occasion occult occupation occupy occur occurrence occurs ocean oceans ocher octagon octave octopi octopus odalisque odd oddity oddly odds odious odium odor odyssey oeuvre of off offal offend offense offensive offer offers offhand office officer official officious offing offshoot offspring oft often ogle ogled ogles ogling ogre ogres oh oil oiled oiling oils oily ointment okay old older oldest oligarch oligarchy olive olives omega omelet omelette ominous omission omit omits omnipresent omniscience omniscient omnivore on once one onerous ones onetime ongoing onion onions online only onomatopoeia onset onslaught onto ontology onus onward onwards ooze oozed oozes oozing oozy opacity opaque open opened opening openly opens opera operas operate operation operator opine opined opines opinion opponent opportune opportunity oppose opposite opposition oppress oppressive opprobrium opt opted optimal optimism optimist optimize opting option optional opts opulence opulent opus or oracle oracular oral orange oration orator oratory orbit orbits orchestra ordain ordeal order orders ordinal ordinance ordinary ordinate ordination ordnance ordure ore organ organic organism organization organize organs orgy orient oriental orientation orifice origami origin original originate origination orison ornament ornate orotund orthodox orthodoxy oscillate oscillation osculate osculation ossification ossify ostensible ostentation ostentatious ostracism ostracize ostrich other others otherwise otherworldly otiose ouch ought ounce ounces our ours ourselves oust ousted ouster ousts out outage outbreak outburst outcast outcome outcry outdated outdid outdo outdoes outdone outdoor outer outermost outfit outgoing outlandish outlet outline outlook outmoded outpost output outrage outrageous outreach outset outshine outshone outside outskirts outspoken outstanding outward outwards oval ovals ovation oven ovens over overall overarching overawe overbearing overblown overcame overcast overcome overdue overflow overhaul overindulge overindulgence overload overlook overlord overly overnight overpower overran overreach override overrun oversaw overseas oversee overshadow oversight overstep overt overthrew overthrow overthrown overtime overture overturn overweening overwhelm overwrought owe owed owes owl owls own owned owner owners ownership owning owns oxide oxides oxygen oxymoron oyster pablum pace pacific pacification pacifier pacifism pacifist pacify pack package packed packs pact pacts pad padded padishah pads paean pagan page pageant pages pagoda paid pail pails pain pained painful pains painstaking paint painter painting paints pair paired pairs palace palaces paladin palatable palate palatial palaver pale paled pales palette palimpsest paling pall pallet palliate palliation palliative pallid pallor palls palm palms palpable palpitation paltry pamper pan panacea panache pandemic pandemonium pane panegyric panel panels panes pang pangs panic panicky panics panned panoply panorama pans pant panted panther pantomime pantry pants papacy papal paper papers papyri papyrus parable parade paradigm paradise paradox paradoxical paragraph paralysis paralytic paralyze parameter paramilitary paramount paramour parapet paraphernalia parasite parasitic parcel parch parched parchment pardon parent parental pariah parish parishioner parity park parked parking parks parlance parley parliament parlor parochial paroxysm parrot parry parse parsimonious parsimony part partake parted partial partiality participant participate participation particle particular parties parting partisan partisanship partition partly partner partnership parts party pass passable passage passageway passenger passerby passersby passing passion passionate passive passivity password past pasta paste pasted pastel pastes pastiche pasting pastor pastoral pastry pasture pasty pat patch patchwork patchy pate patent patents paternal paternity pates path pathetic pathos paths pathway patience patient patriarch patrician patrimony patriot patriotic patriotism patrol patron patronage patronize pats patted pattern paucity pauper pause paused pauses pavane pave paved pavement paves pavid pavilion paving paw pawn pawned pawns paws pay paying payment pays peace peaceful peach peak peaks peal peanut pear pearl pearls pearly pears peasant peat pebble peccable peccadillo peccant peculate peculation peculiar peculiarity pecuniary pedagogue pedagogy pedant pedantic peddle peddler pedestal pedestrian pedigree peel peeled peels peep peeped peeps peer peers peevish pejorative pelf pellucid pelt pelted pelts pen penal penalize penalty penance penchant pencil pend pendant pended pending pends pendulum penetrate penetration penguin peninsula penitence penitent pennant penned penny pens pension pensive pent pentagon penultimate penurious penury peon peons people pepper per perambulate perambulation perceive percent percentage perceptible perception perceptive perch percolate percolation percussion perdition peregrinate peregrine peremptory perennial perfect perfection perfervid perfidious perfidy perforate perforation perforce perform performance performer perfume perfunctory perhaps peril perilous perils perimeter period periodic peripatetic peripheral periphery perish perjure perjury permanence permanent permeate permeation permissible permission permissive permit permutation permute pernicious peroration perpendicular perpetrate perpetration perpetual perpetuate perpetuation perpetuity perplex perplexity perquisite persecute persecution persevere perseverence persist persistence persistent person persona personal personality personalize personnel perspective perspicacious perspicuity perspicuous persuade persuasion persuasive pert pertinent pertly perturb perturbation pervade pervasive perverse perversion perversity pervert pessimism pessimist pest pestilence pests pet petal petals petite petition pets petted pettish petty petulance petulant phalanx phantasm phantom pharaoh pharmacy phase phases pheasant phenomena phenomenon phial phials philanthropy philistine philogyny philosopher philosophy phlegm phlegmatic phobia phoenix phone phoned phones phonetic phony photo photograph photography photos phrase phylogeny physical physician physicist physics physique pi pianist piano pianos picaresque picayune pick picket pickle picks picky picnic picture picturesque pidgin pie piece piecemeal pieces pies piety pig pigeon piggish pigment pigs pigsty pile piled piles pilfer pilferage pilgrim pilgrimage piling pill pillage pillar pillory pillow pills pilot pilots pin pinch pine pined pines pining pink pinky pinnacle pinned pinpoint pins pint pints pioneer pious pipe pipes piquancy piquant pique piqued piques piracy pirate pistol pit pitch pitcher piteous pitfall pitiable pits pittance pitted pity pivot pivotal pivots pizza placard placate placation place placebo placed placeholder placement places placid placidity plagiarism plagiarize plague plain plains plaintiff plaintive plan planar plane planes planet planetary plangent plank planks plans plant plantation planter plants plaque plaster plastic plate plateau plateaux plates platform platitude platonic platter plaudit plausible play played player playful playmate playoff plays plaza plazas plea plead pleads pleas pleasant pleasantry please pleasing pleasurable pleasure pleat pleb plebeian plebiscite plebs pled pledge plenitude plentiful plentitude plenty pleonasm plethora pliable pliant plied plies plight plod plods plot plots ploy ploys pluck plucks plucky plum plumage plumb plumber plumbing plumbs plume plumes plummet plump plums plunder plunge plural plurality plus plush ply plying pocket podium poem poems poet poetic poetry poets pogrom poignancy poignant point pointer points pointy poise poised poises poison poisonous poke poked poker pokers pokes poking pole polemic poles police policeman policemen policy polish polite political politician politics polity poll polled pollen pollenate pollenation polls pollute pollution polygamous polygamy polyglot polygon polymath pomegranate pomp pomposity pompous pond ponder ponderous ponds ponies pontiff pontificate pony pool pools poor poorer poorly pop popped poppy pops popular populate population porcelain porch porcine pore pored pores poring pork porous port portable portal portend portent portentous porter portfolio portico portion portmanteau portrait portraiture portray portrayal ports pose posed poses poseur posing posit position positive posits possess possession possibility possible possibly post postage postal posted poster posthumous postpone postponement posts postulate postulation posture pot potable potato potency potent potentate potential potion potpourri pots potted potter pottery pouch pounce pound pounds pour poured pours pout pouted pouts poverty powder powdery power powerful powers pox practical practice pragmatic prairie praise praiseworthy prance prank pranks prankster prate prated prates prattle praxis pray prayed prayer prays preach preacher preachy preamble precarious precaution precautionary precede precedence precedent precept precinct precious precipice precipitate precipitation precise precision preclude preclusion precocious precocity predate predation predator predatory predecessor predicament predicate predication predict prediction predictive predilection predispose predisposition preeminence preeminent preempt preemption preemptive preen preens preface prefatory prefer preferable preference prefiguration prefigure pregnancy pregnant prehensile prejudice prejudiced preliminary prelude premature premise premium premonition prenatal preparation prepare preposition preposterous prerequisite presage prescience prescient prescribe prescription prescriptive presence present presentation presentiment presently preservation preservative preserve preside presidency president press pressure prestige prestigious presto presume presumption presumptive presumptuous pretence pretend pretense pretentious pretext pretty prevail prevalence prevalent prevaricate prevarication prevent preventable preventative prevention preventive preview previous prewar prey preyed preys price prices prick pride prideful pried pries priest priesthood prim primacy primal primary primate prime primed primes primeval primitive primordial prince princess principal principle print printer prints prior priority prise prised prises prism prismatic prisms prison prisoner pristine privacy private privateer privation privilege privy prize prized prizes probability probable probably probate probation probative probe probed probes probity problem problematic procedure proceed process procession processor proclaim proclamation proclivity procrastinate procrastination procreate procreation prod prodigal prodigious prodigy prods produce producer product production productive productivity profanation profane profanity profess profession professional professor proficiency proficient profile profit profitable profligacy profligate profound profundity profuse profusion progenitor progeny prognoses prognosis prognostication program programmer progress progression progressive prohibit prohibition prohibitive project projectile projection proliferate proliferation prolific prolix prolixity prolog prolong prolongation prolonged promenade prominence prominent promiscuity promiscuous promise promising promontory promote promotion prompt promulgate promulgation prone pronounce pronouncement pronunciation proof proofs prop propaganda propagate propagation propel propensity proper properly property prophecy prophesy prophet prophetic prophylactic propinquity propitiate propitiation propitious proportion proportional proportionate proposal propose proposition proprietor propriety props prosaic proscribe proscription prose prosecute prosecution prosecutor proselyte proselytism prospect prospective prospector prosper prosperity prosperous prostitute prostrate prostration protagonist protean protect protection protective protector protein protest protocol prototype protract protracted protrude protrusion proud proudly provable prove proved proven provenance proverb proverbial proves provide providence provider province provincial provision provocateur provocation provocative provoke prow prowess prowl prowls proximity proxy prude prudence prudent prudes prudish prune pruned prunes pry prying psalm psalms pseudonym psyche psychologist psychology psychopath puberty public publication publicity publish publisher puddle pueblo puerile puff puffery puffs puffy pugnacious pugnacity puissance puissant pulchritude pull pulled pulls pullulate pullulation pulp pulpit pulsation pulse pulsed pulses pulverize pump pumped pumps punch punctilio punctual punctuality punctuate punctuation puncture pundit pungency pungent punish punishment punitive puny pupil pupils puppet puppeteer puppy purchase purdah pure purely purer purest purgatory purge purged purges purification purify purist puritanical purity purloin purple purport purported purpose purse purses pursuant pursue pursuit purview push pushed pushes pushy pusillanimity pusillanimous put putative putrefaction putrefy putrid puts putsch puzzle puzzlement pygmy pyramid pyre pyrrhic python quack quacks quadrant quaff quaffs quagmire quail quails quaint quake quaked quakes qualification qualify qualitative quality qualm qualms quandary quanta quantify quantitative quantity quantum quarantine quarrel quarter quartet quartz quash quaver queasy queen queens queer quell quells quench query quest question questionable questionnaire quests queue queues quibble quick quicken quiet quiets quietude quill quills quilt quilts quintessence quintessential quip quips quirk quirks quirky quit quite quits quiver quixotic quiz quizzical quorum quota quotation quote quoted quotes quotidian quotient rabbi rabbis rabbit rabble rabid race raced races racial racing racism racist rack racked racket racks raconteur racy radar radial radiate radiation radical radii radio radios radius raffish raft rafts rag rage raged rages ragged raging rags ragtag raid raided raider raids rail railroad rails rain rained rainfall rains raise raised raises rake raked rakes raking rally ram ramble ramification ramify rammed ramp rampage rampant rampart ramps rams ramshackle ran ranch rancher rancor rancorous random rang range ranged ranger ranges rank ranked rankle ranks ransack ransom rant ranted rants rapacious rape raped rapes rapid rapidity rapids raping rapist rapport rapprochement rapscallion rapt raptly raptor rapture rare rarefied rarely rarer rarest rarity rascal rash rashly rasp raspberry rasped rasps raspy rat rate rated rates rather ratification ratify rating ratio ration rational rationale rationalism rationality ratios rats ratty raucous ravage rave raved ravel ravels raven ravenous ravens raves ravine raving raw reach react reaction reacts read reader reading reads ready real realism realist realistic reality realization realize really realm realms reap reaped reaper reaps rear rearm rearms reason reasonable rebate rebel rebellion rebellious rebels rebirth reborn rebound rebuff rebuild rebuilt rebuke rebut rebuts rebuttal recall receipt receive recent receptacle reception receptive recess recession recessive recidivism recidivist recipe recipient reciprocal reciprocate reciprocation recital recitation recite reckless reckon reclaim reclamation recline recluse reclusive recognition recognize recollect recollection recommend recommendation recompense reconcile reconciliation recondite reconnoiter record recoup recover recoverable recovery recreate recreation recriminations recrudesce recrudescence recruit recruitment rectangle rectification rectify rectitude recur recurs red redact redaction redden redeem redemption redemptive redid redistribute redistribution redo redoes redolence redolent redone redoubt redoubtable redound reds reduce reducible reduction redundancy redundant reed reeds reedy reek reeked reeks refer reference refers refine refinement refinery reflect reflection reflective reflex reflexion reflexive reform reformation reformatory refractory refrain refresh refreshment refrigerator refuge refugee refund refurbish refurbishment refusal refuse refusnik refutation refute regain regal regale regalia regard regardless regency regent regime regimen regiment region regional register registration registry regnant regress regression regressive regret regretful regular regularity regulate regulation regulator regulatory rehabilitate rehearsal rehearse reign reigns reinforce reinforcement reinstate reinstatement reiterate reject rejection rejoice rejoin rejoinder rejuvenate rejuvenation relapse relate relation relationship relative relax relaxation release relegate relegation relent relentless relevance relevant reliability reliable reliance reliant relic relics relict relied relief relies relieve religion religious relinquish relinquishment relish reluctance reluctant rely remain remainder remand remark remarkable remedial remediation remedy remember remembrance remind reminder reminisce reminiscence reminiscent remiss remission remit remits remittance remnant remonstrate remonstration remorse remorseful remorseless remote removal remove renaissance rend render rendezvous rendition rends renegade renege renew renewal renews renounce renovate renovation renown rent rental rented renter rents renunciation repair repartee repast repeat repel repellent repels repent repentance repentant repercussion repertoire repetition repetitious repetitive replace replacement replenish replenishment replete replica replicate replication reply report reportage reporter repose repository reprehensible represent representation representative repress repression repressive reprieve reprimand reprise reproach reprobate reproof reprove reptile republic repudiate repudiation repugnance repugnant repulse repulsion repulsive reputable reputation repute request requiem require requirement requisite requite rescind rescue research resemblance resemble resent resentful resentment reservation reserve reservoir residence resident residual residue resign resignation resilience resilient resin resist resistance resolute resolution resolve resonance resonant resonate resort resource respect respectful respective respiration respire respite resplendence resplendent respond respondent response responsibility responsible responsive rest restaurant rested restful restitution restive restoration restorative restore restrain restraint restrict restriction restrictive rests result resultant resume resumption resurgence resurgent resurrect resurrection retail retain retainer retaliate retaliation retaliatory retard retardation retention retentive reticence reticent retinue retire retiree retirement retort retract retraction retreat retribution retributive retroactive retrograde retrogress retrogression retrogressive retrospection retrospective return revamp revanchism reveal revel revelation revelry revels revenge revenue reverberate reverberation revere revered reverence reverent reverie reversal reverse reversible reversion revert review reviewer revile revilement revise revision revitalize revival revive revocation revoke revolt revolting revolution revolutionary revolve revulsion reward rhapsody rhetoric rhombus rhyme rhymed rhymes rhythm rhythmic rib ribald ribbon ribs rice rich richer richly rid riddance ridden riddle ride rider riders rides ridge ridges ridicule ridiculous riding rife riffraff rifle rifles rift right righteous rightmost rights rigid rigidity rigmarole rim rims rind rinds ring ringleader rings rinse rinsed rinses riot rioted rioter riotous riots rip riposte ripped ripple rips rise risen rises risible risibly rising risk risked risks risky risque rite rites ritual rival rivalry rivals rive rived riven river rivers rives rivet rivets riving rivulet road roads roam roamed roams roast roasts rob robbed robber robbery robe robed robes robing robot robotic robots robs robust rock rocked rocket rocks rococo rod rode rodent rods rogue rogues roguish roil roiled roils roister role roles roll rolled rolling rolls romance romantic rondo rondos roof roofs rook rooks room rooms roomy roost rooster root rooted roots rope ropes rose roses roster rosy rot rotary rotate rotation rots rotted rotten rotund rough round rounds roust rousts rout route routed routes routine rove roved roves roving row rowboat rowdy rowed rower rowers rowing rows royal royalty rub rubbed rubber rubbery rubbish rubble rubicund rubies rubric rubricate rubs ruby rudder ruddy rude rudely ruder rudest rudimentary rudiments rue rued rues ruff ruffian ruffle ruffs ruin ruination ruined ruing ruinous ruins rule ruled ruler rulers rules ruling rumble ruminate rumination rummage rumor rumors rumour rump rumple run rung rungs runner runny runoff runs runt runts rupture rural ruse ruses rush rushed rushes rust rusted rustic rusts rusty ruthless rye sabotage saboteur sacerdotal sack sacked sacks sacred sacrifice sacrificial sacrilege sacrilegious sacrosanct sad sadden sadder saddle sadism sadist sadistic sadly sadness safari safe safeguard safely safer safest safety saga sagacious sagacity sagas sage said sail sailboat sailed sailor sails saint sake salad salads salami salary sale sales salience salient saline saliva salivation salmon saloon salt salted salts salty salubrious salutary salutation salute salvage salvation salve salved salves salvific salvo same sample sanctify sanctimonious sanction sanctity sanctuary sand sandal sands sandwich sandy sane sang sanguinary sanguine sanitary sanity sank sap sapience sapient sapped sapphire saps sarcasm sarcastic sarcophagus sardonic sat sate sated satellite sates satiate satiety sating satire satiric satirist satirize satisfaction satisfactory satisfy satrap satrapy saturate saturation saturnalian saturnine satyr satyrs sauce sauces saucy saunter sausage savage savagery savanna savant save saved saves saving savor savory saw say saying says scab scabrous scabs scaffold scald scalds scale scaled scales scalp scalps scam scamp scamper scams scan scandal scandalize scandalous scans scant scanty scapegoat scapegrace scar scarce scarcity scare scared scares scarf scars scarves scary scathe scathing scatological scatter scavenge scenario scene scenery scenes scenic scent scented scents scepter schadenfreude schedule schema schematic scheme scherzo schism scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist scimitar scintilla scion scions scissors sclerotic scold scolds scoop scoops scoot scoots scope scopes scorch score scored scores scorn scornful scorns scotch scoundrel scour scourge scours scout scouts scowl scowls scramble scrap scrape scraps scratch scratchy scrawny scream screech screechy screed screen screw screws scribble scribe scrimp script scripture scroll scrub scrubs scruff scruffy scruple scrupulous scrutinize scrutiny scuffle sculpt sculptor sculpture scum scurrility scurrilous scurry scurvy scythe sea seabird seal sealed seals seam seamless seams sear search seared sears seas season seat seated seats seawater secede secession seclude secluded seclusion second secondary secrecy secret secretary secrete secretive sect sectarian section sector sects secular secure security sedate sedentary sediment sedition seditious seduce seduction seductive sedulous see seed seedling seeds seeing seek seeks seem seemed seemly seems seen seep seeped seeps seer seers sees seethe segment segregate segregation seize seized seizes seizure seldom select selection selective self selfish selfless sell seller selves semantic semblance seminal seminar seminary senate senator send sender sends senescence senescent senile senility senior seniority sensation sense sensed sensei senses sensibility sensible sensitive sensitivity sensor sensory sensual sent sentence sententious sentient sentiment sentimental sentinel separable separate separation sepulcher sequel sequence sequential sequester sequestration sequin seraph serenade serendipitous serendipity serene serenity serf serfdom serfs sergeant serial series serious sermon serpent serpentine servant serve served server serves service serviceable servile servility servitude session set setback sets setting settle settlement settler seven sevens seventeen seventh seventy sever several severe severity severs sew sewed sewer sewing sews sex sexes sexier sexism sexist sexual sexuality sexy shabby shack shackle shacks shade shaded shades shading shadow shadowy shady shaft shafts shake shaken shakes shaky shall shallow sham shaman shambles shame shamed shamefaced shameful shames shank shanks shanty shape shaped shapes shard shards share shared shares shark sharks sharp sharpen shatter shave shaved shaven shaver shaves shawl shawls she sheaf shear shears sheath sheathe sheaves shed sheds sheen sheep sheepish sheer sheet sheets sheikh shelf shell shells shelter shelve shelves shenanigans shepherd sheriff shibboleth shield shift shiftless shifts shifty shimmer shine shined shines shining shiny ship ships shipwreck shirk shirks shirt shirts shiver shock shocks shod shoddy shoe shoes shone shook shoot shoots shop shopped shopper shops shore shores shorn short shortage shorten shortfall shortly shorts shot shots should shoulder shout shouts shove shoved shoves show showed shower shown shows showy shrank shred shreds shrew shrewd shrewish shrews shrift shrimp shrine shrink shrivel shroud shrub shrubbery shrubs shrug shrugs shrunk shrunken shuffle shun shuns shunt shut shute shuts shutter shuttle shy shyly shyness sibling sick sicken sickens sickle sickly sickness side sided sidelong sides sidestep sidewalk siding sidle sidled sidles sieve sieves sift sifted sifts sigh sight sights sigma sign signal signature signed significance significant signing signs silence silent silhouette silk silken silks silly silt silty silver silverware silvery similar similarity simile simmer simper simple simpleton simplicity simplification simplify simply simulate simulation simultaneity simultaneous sin since sincere sincerity sinecure sinew sinews sinewy sing singe singed singer singes single singlehanded singleton singular sinister sink sinks sinned sinner sins sinuous sip siphon sipped sips sir siren sirens sister sit site sites sits sitting situate situation six sixes sixteen sixth sixths sixty size sizes sizzle skate skates skeletal skeleton skeptic skeptical sketch sketchy skew skewed skewer skews ski skied skier skiers skies skiing skill skilled skillful skills skimp skimps skimpy skin skinned skinny skins skip skipper skips skirmish skirt skirts skit skits skittish skulk skulks skull skulls skunk skunks sky skyscraper slack slacken slag slain slake slaked slakes slam slams slander slanderous slang slant slants slap slapdash slaps slash slate slated slates slattern slaughter slave slavery slaves slavish slay slayer slays sleazy sled sleds sleek sleep sleeps sleepy sleet sleeve sleigh sleight slender slept sleuth slew slice sliced slices slick slid slide slides slier slight slim slime slimy sling slings slink slinks slinky slip slippery slips slipshod slither sliver slogan slope sloped slopes sloping sloppy slosh slot sloth slothful slots slough slovenly slow slowed slower slowly slows sluff slug sluggish slugs slum slumber slump slumps slums slung slunk slur slurs slush slushy sly slyly smack smacks small smart smarts smash smattering smell smells smelly smelt smelts smile smiled smiles smiley smirk smirks smite smites smith smiths smitten smoke smoked smoker smokes smokey smolder smooth smote smother smug smugly snack snacks snag snags snail snails snake snakes snaky snap snappy snaps snapshot snare snared snares snarl snarls snatch sneak sneaks sneaky sneer sneers sneeze snide sniff sniffs snip snipe sniper snippet snips snivel snooze snore snored snores snort snorts snout snow snowed snowflake snows snowy snub snubs snuck snuff snuffs snug snugly so soak soaked soaks soap soar soared soars sober sobriety sobriquet soccer sociable social society sock socks sofa sofas soft soften softer softly software soil soiled soils soiree sojourn solace solar sold soldier sole solely solemn solemnity solicit solicitation solicitor solicitous solicitude solid solidarity solidify solidity solids soliloquy solipsism solitary solitude solo soloist solution solve solved solvent solves somber some somebody someday somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhat somewhere somnolence somnolent son sonata song songs sonic sonnet sonorous sons soon sooner soot soothe sooty sophisticated sophistication sophomore soporific soprano sorcerer sorcery sordid sore sorely sores sorrel sorrow sorrowful sorry sort sorted sorts sought soul soulful souls sound sounds soup soups soupy sour source soured sourly sours south southern souvenir sovereign sovereignty sow sowed sowing sown sows spa space spaces spacious spade spades span spangle spank spanks spans spar spare spared spares spark sparkle sparkly sparks sparrow spars sparse spartan spas spasm spasmodic spasms spat spate spates spatter spawn spawns speak speaker speaks spear spears special specialize specialty species specific specify specious speck specks spectacle spectacular specter spectra spectrum speculate speculation speculative sped speech speed speeds speedy spell spelling spells spelt spend spends spendthrift spent spew spewed spews sphere sphinx spice spiced spices spicing spicy spider spidery spied spies spigot spike spikes spill spills spilt spin spindle spindly spine spines spins spiny spiral spirit spiritual spit spite spiteful spits splash splashy splat splatter splay splays splendid splendor splenetic splice splint splinter split splits splotch splotchy spoil spoilage spoiled spoils spoke spoken spokes spokesman spoliation sponge sponsor sponsorship spontaneity spontaneous spool spools spoon spoons sporadic spore spores sport sports spot spots spotty spouse sprang sprawl spray sprays spread spree sprees sprig sprightly sprigs spring springy sprinkle sprint sprite sprout sprung spun spunk spunky spur spurious spurn spurns spurs spurt spurts sputter spy spying squabble squad squadron squads squalid squall squalor squander square squash squat squatter squawk squeal squeamish squeeze squelch squid squint squire squirm squirrel squirt squish squishy stab stability stable stably stabs staccato stack stacks stadium staff staffs stag stage staged stages stagnant stagnate stagnation stags staid stain stained stains stair stairs stake stakes stale stalemate stalk stalks stall stallion stalls stalwart stamina stammer stamp stampede stamps stance stanch stand standard standardization standardize standing standoff standpoint stands stank stanza staple star stare stared stares stark starlight starlit starry stars start startle startling starts starvation starve stash stasis state stated statement states static station stationary stationery statistic statue status statute staunch stave staves stay stayed stays stead steadfast steadily steady steak steaks steal steals stealth stealthy steam steamer steams steamy steed steeds steel steely steep steeple steeps steer steers stellar stem stems stench stentorian step steppe steps stereotype sterile sterility sterling stern sterns stew steward stewardess stewardship stewed stews stick sticker sticks sticky stiff stifle stifling stigma stigmatize still stilt stilts stimulate stimulation stimuli stimulus sting stings stingy stink stinks stinky stint stints stipend stipulate stipulation stir stirs stock stocking stocks stocky stoic stoical stoicism stoke stoked stokes stole stolen stolid stomach stone stones stony stood stool stools stop stops storage store stored stores stork storks storm storms stormy story stout stove stoves stowaway straddle straggle straight straighten straightforward straightjacket strain strait strand strange stranger strangle strap straps strata stratagem strategic strategy stratification stratified stratify stratum straw straws stray strays streak stream streamline streamlined street strength strengthen strenuous stress stretch strew strewn strews stricken strict stricture stride stridence strident strife strike striker striking string stringent stringy strip stripe striped strips strive striven strode stroke stroll strong stronghold strove struck structure struggle strum strung strut struts stub stubborn stubs stuck student studies studio studious study stuff stuffs stuffy stultification stultify stumble stump stumps stun stung stunk stuns stunt stunts stupefaction stupefy stupendous stupid stupidity stupor sturdy style styles stylish stylus stymie suave subdue subject subjection subjugate subjugation sublimate sublimation sublime submission submissive submit subordinate subordination suborn subornation subscribe subscript subscription subsequent subservience subservient subset subside subsidence subsidize subsidy subsist subsistence substance substantial substantiate substantive substitute substitution subsume subsumption subterfuge subterranean subtle subtlety subtly subtract subtraction suburb suburban subversion subversive subvert succeed success successful succession successive succinct succor such suck sucked sucker suckle sucks sudden sue sued sues suffer sufferance suffice sufficiency sufficient suffocate suffocation suffrage sugar sugary suggest suggestion suggestive suicidal suicide suing suit suitability suitable suite suites suits sulk sulked sulks sulky sullen sully sultan sultanate sultry sum summarize summary summer summery summit summon sumptuous sums sun sunder sundown sundries sundry sunk sunken sunlight sunlit sunned sunny sunrise suns sunset sunshine sup super superb supercilious superficial superfluity superfluous superior superiority superlative supermarket supernal supernatural supersede supersession superstition superstitious supervise supervision supervisor supervisory supine supped supper supplant supple supplement supplementary supplementation supplicant supplicate supplication supplier supply support supportive suppose supposed suppress suppression supremacy supreme sups surcease sure surely surf surface surfeit surge surged surgeon surgery surges surging surly surmise surmount surname surpass surplus surprise surreal surrealism surrealistic surreptitious surrogacy surrogate surround surveil surveillance survey surveyor survival survive survivor suspect suspend suspense suspension suspicion suspicious sustain sustainable sustainment sustenance suzerain svelte swagger swallow swam swamp swamps swampy swan swank swanky swans swarm swarms swarthy swat swath swathe swaths swats swear swears sweat sweater sweats sweaty sweep sweeps sweet sweeten sweetheart sweets swell swells swelter swept swerve swift swig swigs swim swimmer swims swindle swine swing swings swirl swirls swirly switch swivel swollen swoon swoons swoop swoops sword swords swore sworn swung sycophant syllable syllabus symbol symbolic symbolism symmetric symmetry sympathetic sympathy symphony symptom synagogue synchronize synchronous syncretic syncretism syndicate syndication syndrome synonym synonymous syntax synthesis synthesize synthetic syrup syrups syrupy system systematic systematize systemic tabernacle table tableau tables tablespoon tablet tabletop taboo taboos tabular tabulate tabulation tacit tacitly taciturn tack tackle tacky tact tactful tactic tactical tactics tactile tag tagged tags taiga tail tailor tails taint tainted taints take takeover takes taking tale talent tales talisman talk talked talker talks tall taller tally talon talons tame tamed tamely tamer tames tamest taming tamper tan tandem tangent tangential tangible tangle tango tangy tank tanker tanks tanned tantalize tantamount tantrum tap tape taped tapes tapestry taping tapped taps tar tardy target tarnish tarred tars tart tartly tarts task tasks taste tasted tasteful tasteless tastes tasty tatter taught taunt taunts taut tautology tavern tawdry tawny tax taxation taxed taxes taxing taxpayer tea teach teacher teaching team teammate teams teapot tear tearful tears tease teased teases teaspoon technical technician technique technology tedious tedium teem teemed teeming teems teen teenage teenager teens teeter teeth telephone telescope television tell telling tells temerity temper temperance temperate temperature tempest tempestuous tempi template temple tempo temporary temporize tempos tempt temptation tempts ten tenable tenacious tenacity tenant tend tended tendency tendentious tender tendril tends tenet tenets tennis tenor tenors tens tense tenses tension tent tentacle tentative tents tenuous tenure tepid term termagant terminal terminate termination terminology terminus termite terms terrain terrestrial terrible terribly terrific terrify territory terror terrorism terrorist terse tersely test testament tested testify testimony testing tests testy tether text textbook textile texts texture than thank thankless thanks that thaw thawed thaws the theater thee theft their them thematic theme themes themselves then thence thenceforth theocracy theologian theology theory therapeutic therapy there thereby therefore these they thick thicket thief thieves thigh thighs thimble thin thine thing think thinker thinks thinly thins third thirdly thirds thirst thirsts thirsty thirteen thirty this thistle thorn thorns thorny thorough those though thought thoughtless thousand thrall thrash thread threat threaten three threefold threes thresh threshold threw thrift thrifty thrill thrive throat throb throbs throe throes throne throng through throughout throve throw throwback thrown throws thrum thrums thrust thug thuggery thugs thumb thumbs thus thusly thwart thyme tick ticked ticket tickle ticklish ticks tidal tidbit tide tides tie tied ties tiff tiger tigers tight tighten tights tile tiled tiles till tilled tiller tills tilt tilted tilts timber time timed timely times timid timidity timing timorous tin tinder tine tines tingle tinier tinker tinkle tinny tinsel tint tinted tints tiny tip tipped tips tipsy tirade tire tired tireless tires tiresome tiring tissue titan titanic titans tithe titillate titillation title titled titles titter titular to toad toads tobacco today toe toes together toil toiled toilet toils token tokens told tolerable tolerance tolerant tolerate toleration toll tolled tolls tomato tomb tombs tome tomes tomorrow tone tones tongue tonic tonight too took tool toolbox tools toot tooted tooth toothless toots top topic topics topped topple tops torch tore torment torn tornado torpedo torpid torpidity torpor torrent torrential torrid torsi torsion torso torsos tortuous torture torturous torus toss tossed tosses total totalitarian totality totals touch touching touchy tough toughen tour toured tourism tourist tournament tours tout touted touts tow toward towards towel towels tower towers town towns toxic toxin toxins toy toyed toying toys trace traced traces track tracks tract tractable tractate traction tracts trade traded trader trades tradition traditional traduce traducement traffic tragedy tragic trail trailer trails train trainer training trains trait traitor tram trammel tramp trample tramps trams trance tranquil tranquillity transact transaction transcend transcendence transcendent transfer transfix transform transformation transformative transgress transgression transience transient transit transition transitory translate translation translator transliterate transliteration translucent transmission transmit transmogrify transmutation transmute transparency transparent transpire transport transportation transpose transposition trap trapper trappings traps trash trashy trauma traumatic traumatize travail travel traversal traverse travesty tray trays treacherous treachery tread treads treason treasure treasury treat treatise treatment treats treaty treble tree treeless trees trek treks tremble trembly tremendous tremor tremulous trench trenchant trend trends trendy trepid trepidation triad triads triage trial trials triangle tribal tribe tribes tribulation tribunal tribune tributary tribute trick trickery trickle tricks trickster tricky trident tried tries trifle trigger trill trim trims trinket trio trios trip tripartite triple trips trite triumph triumphant trivia trivial triviality trod trodden troglodyte troll trolls troop troops trope trophy tropical tropics trot trots troubadour trouble troublesome trough trounce trousers trove troves truancy truant truce truces truck truckle trucks truculence truculent trudge true truer truest truffle truism truly trump trumpet trumps truncate truncation trunk trunks trust trusts trustworthy trusty truth truthful try trying tsunami tub tuba tubas tube tubes tubs tuck tucked tucks tuition tumble tumid tumor tumors tumult tumultuous tuna tundra tune tunes tunnel turban turbid turbidity turbulence turbulent turgid turkey turmoil turn turncoat turned turnout turns turpitude turquoise turtle tussle tutelage tutelary tutor tutorial tutors twain twang twangs twelfth twelve twenty twice twig twigs twin twine twinge twins twist twists twitter two twofold twos tying type typed types typhoon typical typing tyrannical tyranny tyrant tzar tzars ubiquitous ubiquity uglier ugly uh ukase ulterior ultimate ultimatum umber umbrage umbrella umpire unable unanimity unanimous unarmed unaware unbecoming unbeknown unbeknownst unbridled uncanny uncle unclean unclear uncles uncouth uncover unction unctuous under underdog undergo undergraduate underground underhanded underlain underlay underlie underling undermine underneath underscore understand understood undertake undertone undertook underway underwear underwent undid undo undoes undone undue undulate undulation unduly unearth uneasy unemployment unfair unfold unfurl unguent unholy unicorn unification uniform uniformity unify unilateral union unions unique unit unite united unites units unity universal universe university unjust unkempt unkind unknown unleash unless unlikable unlike unlivable unmask unmet unpalatable unrest unruly unsafe unscathed unseemly unseen unsociable unsold unsorted untenable untidy untie untied unties until untold untoward untrue untying unusual unveil unwell unwieldy unwind up upbraid update upend upends upheaval upheld uphill uphold uplift upload upon upper uppermost uproar uproot upset upsets upsidedown upstairs upstanding upstart uptick upturn upward urban urbane urbanity urchin urge urged urgency urgent urges urging urination urine urn us usable usage use used useful useless user users uses usher ushers using usual usurp usurpation usurps usury utensil utilitarian utility utilization utilize utmost utopia utopian utter utterance utters uxorious vacancy vacant vacate vacation vaccinate vaccination vaccine vacillate vacillation vacuity vacuous vacuum vagabond vagary vagrancy vagrant vague vain vainglorious vainglory vainly vale valediction valet valiance valiant valid validate validation validity valley valor valorous valuable value valued values vampire van vandal vandalism vandalize vanguard vanilla vanish vanity vanquish vanquishment vans vantage vapid vapidity vapor vaporize vapors variable variant variation varied variegated variegation varies variety various varlet vary vassal vassalage vast vastly vault vaults vaunt vaunted vector veer veered veers vegetable vegetarian vehemence vehement vehicle veil veiled veils vein veins veldt velocity velvet velvety venal vendetta vendor veneer venerable venerate veneration vengeance vengeful venial venom venomous vent vented ventilate ventilation vents venture venue venues veracity veranda verb verbal verbatim verbose verbosity verbs verdant verdict verdure verge verged verges verification verify verily verisimilitude veritable verity versatile versatility verse verses version versus vertex vertical vertices vertiginous vertigo verve very vessel vest vestibule vestige vestigial vestment veteran veterinarian veterinary vex vexation vexed vexes vexing via viability viable vial vials viand viands vibrancy vibrant vibrate vibration vicar vicarious vicars vice viceroy vices vicious vicissitude victim victor victorious victory victual video videos vie vied vies view viewed viewer views vigil vigilance vigilant vigilante vigils vigor vigorous vile vilification vilify villa village villager villain villainous villainy villas vindicate vindication vindictive vine vines vineyard vintage viola violas violate violation violence violent violin violinist viper vipers virago viral virgin virginity virile virility virtual virtue virtuoso virtuous virulence virulent virus visage visceral viscous visibility visible visibly vision visionary visit visitation visitor visits visor vista vistas visual visualization visualize vital vitality vitamin vitiate vitiation vitriol vitriolic vituperate vituperation vivacious vivacity vivid vivification vivify vixen vixens vizier vocabulary vocal vocation vociferous voice voices void voided voids voila volatile volatility volcanic volcano volition volley voltage voluble volume voluminous voluntary volunteer voluptuous voracious voracity vortex votary vote voted voter voters votes voting votive vouch vouchsafe vow vowed vowel vowels vowing vows voyage vulgar vulgarity vulnerable vying waddle wade waded wades wading waft wafted wafts wage waged wager wagers wages waggish waging wagon wagons waif waifs wail wailed wails waist waists wait waited waiter waitress waits waiver wake waked wakes waking walk walked walker walks wall walled wallop wallow walls walnut waltz wan wand wander wands wane waned wanes waning want wanted wanton wants war warble ward warded warden wards ware warehouse wares warfare warily warlike warm warmed warmer warmly warmonger warms warmth warn warned warning warns warp warpath warped warps warrant warranty warren warrior wars warship wart wartime warts wary was wash washed washer washes wasp waspish wasps waste wasted wasteful wastes wastrel watch watchful water waterfall waters watershed waterway watery wave waved waver wavers waves waving wavy wax waxed waxes waxing waxy way wayfarer ways wayward we weak weaken weaker weakly weal wealth wealthy wean weaned weans weapon weaponry wear wearisome wears weary weasel weather weave weaved weaver weaves weaving web webbed webs website wed wedded wedding wedge wedges wedlock weds weed weeded weeds weedy week weekend weekly weeks weep weigh weighs weight weighty weird welcome weld welfare well welled wells welter wench wend wended wends went wept west western wet wets wetted whack whale whales wham wharf what whatever whatsoever wheat wheel wheels when whence whenever where whereabouts whereas wherever wherewithal whet whether whets which whiff while whim whimper whims whimsical whimsy whine whined whines whip whips whirl whirls whirlwind whisk whisks whisper whistle whit white whitewash whither whittle who whoever whole wholehearted wholesome wholly whom whomsoever whoosh whore whores whose whosoever why wick wicked wicks wide widely widen widens wider widespread widest widow widower widows width widths wield wields wieldy wife wiggle wiggly wild wilder wilderness wildlife wildly wilds wile wiles will willful willing willow willowy wills wilt wilted wilts wily win wince winced winces wind window winds windy wine wines wing winged wings wink winked winks winner winnow wins winsome winter wintry wipe wiped wipes wiping wire wired wires wiring wisdom wise wisely wish wished wishes wishful wistful wit witch witchcraft with withal withdraw withdrawal withdrew wither withheld withhold within without witless witness wits witticism witty wives wizard wizardry wizened wobble wobbly woe woebegone woeful woes woke woken wolf wolfish wolves woman womb wombs women won wonder wonderful wont woo wood wooden woods woody wooer wooers wool woolly woos word wordless words wordy wore work workable worked worker workman workmen workout workplace works workshop world worldly worlds worldview worldwide worm wormed worms wormy worn worrisome worry worse worship worst worth worthless worthwhile worthy would wound wounds wove woven wow wrack wraith wrangle wrap wrapper wraps wrath wrathful wreak wreaks wreath wreathe wreck wreckage wrecks wrench wrest wrestle wrests wretch wretched wring wrings wrinkle wrist wrists write writer writes writhe writing written wrong wrongdoing wrongful wrongs wrote wroth wrought wrung xenophobia xenophobic xylophone yard yards yawn yawned yawns yea year yearly yearn yearns years yeast yell yelled yellow yells yen yes yesterday yet yield yields yogurt you young youngster your yours yourself youth youthful youths zeal zealot zealous zeitgeist zenith zephyr zero zeroes zeros zest zesty ziggurat zigzag zinc zone zones zoo zoom zoomed zooms zoos